Books For Soldiers


Hairy Harry
Had lunch today at Rick's in Wildewood today with my office and saw that they're really collecting a lot of books for the Books for Soldiers Program. They're sending them over to the soldiers in Iraq.

So, we all decided to go home tonight and dig for used books. Anyone else out there willing to pitch in?


New Member
No offense to the marines but I've been told by marines that most of what they do do not require much thinking....they do everything over and over until they just react.


I bowl overhand
Triggerfish said:
On the average Sailors and Airmen score higher on the ASVAB..... :dance:
Dunno.. I haven't met one yet that beat my score.
And other then ONE score, the AFQT, the tests aren't comparable.. , and then the service member very rarely knows what that score is.


I bowl overhand
Triggerfish said:
No offense to the marines but I've been told by marines that most of what they do do not require much thinking....they do everything over and over until they just react.
i work with Marines now, and LUCKILY the groups I work with have to be of a higher intellectual group to get their jobs.. In the Army we had a line score called GT, and to get one of these jobs, qualify for OCS..etc, your GT had to be over 110...


Hairy Harry
itsbob said:
Dunno.. I haven't met one yet that beat my score.
And other then ONE score, the AFQT, the tests aren't comparable.. , and then the service member very rarely knows what that score is.

I don't really give a crap what any of you scored...If you're chatting on this forum, then you're here with your families for the holidays. This post was meant to get more people to donate books for our military men and women who aren't so fortunate as yourselves...NOT TO START A PIZZING CONTEST!


I bowl overhand
flowerchild said:
I don't really give a crap what any of you scored...If you're chatting on this forum, then you're here with your families for the holidays. This post was meant to get more people to donate books for our military men and women who aren't so fortunate as yourselves...NOT TO START A PIZZING CONTEST!
OH relax, it's just a little intersevice rivalry.. NOBODY'S stealing your thunder..

AND yes I aree it's agreat idea.. and since the Stars and Stripes Bookstores (ie PX) are no longer allowed to sell them, send all your back issues of Playboy and Penthouse too!! They are known for their GREEAT articles.


New Member
Back to my original question. Do the people in the other services get books also? Do they have a website for this program so people can do some research?


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member

Main Entry: 1sol·dier
Pronunciation: 'sOl-j&r
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English soudier, from Middle French, from soulde pay, from Late Latin solidus solidus
1 a : one engaged in military service and especially in the army b : an enlisted man or woman c : a skilled warrior

Please note "especially in the army", not ONLY in the army...

I prefer to send books to our skilled military soldiers, how about you?


New Member
flowerchild said:
Many thanks to the kind soul who sent me red for calling this "Books for Soldiers" instead of "Books for Troops", I just called it by the name of the group who helps to send the books overseas...

They gave you red karma? I should have realised that asking if it was just for the army was going to cause trouble. Sorry about that flowerchild.


New Member

Thanks for the info. I have A LOT of books that I am thinking of getting rid of. Now that I think about it I remember when I was off the coast of Afghanistan for Operation Enduring Freedom and in the Persian Gulf for Operation Iraqi Freedom we got donated books in the library and lounges.


New Member
flowerchild said:
Had lunch today at Rick's in Wildewood today with my office and saw that they're really collecting a lot of books for the Books for Soldiers Program. They're sending them over to the soldiers in Iraq.

So, we all decided to go home tonight and dig for used books. Anyone else out there willing to pitch in?

Do you know the duration of this particular drive?


Hairy Harry
Triggerfish said:

Thanks for the info. I have A LOT of books that I am thinking of getting rid of. Now that I think about it I remember when I was off the coast of Afghanistan for Operation Enduring Freedom and in the Persian Gulf for Operation Iraqi Freedom we got donated books in the library and lounges.

I'd just like you to know that there are a lot of us out here who thank God every day for those of you who were willing to mput nyour lives on the line for our freedom.

Also, went to Rick's today to drop off the first load and they have gotten TONS of books since they opened this morning!!!!!!! Nice job everyone!!!!!