Boozin' it up...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Made it to Congressional today.

Followed DeMarco for most of the day. He gave a ball to my nephew (Titleist). He played with Frank Likliter who may as well chain smoke. He had one lit up on every hole. And Mike Purdy who hit a BEAUTIFUL 3 wood into 6 for a tap in eagle. Demarco had three birds in a row with a total distance of MAYBE 3 feet. Frank struggled ALL day.

Saw Freddy, Sergio (super approach to 6 after laying up) Nick Price, Applebey, and bunch of others.

Kinda hilly walk but really, really neat to be at an event like this. What other pro event can you stand 5 feet away from a pro and watch them work?

Good stuff.


Nothing to see here
Larry Gude said:
Made it to Congressional today.

Followed DeMarco for most of the day. He gave a ball to my nephew (Titleist). He played with Frank Likliter who may as well chain smoke. He had one lit up on every hole. And Mike Purdy who hit a BEAUTIFUL 3 wood into 6 for a tap in eagle. Demarco had three birds in a row with a total distance of MAYBE 3 feet. Frank struggled ALL day.

Saw Freddy, Sergio (super approach to 6 after laying up) Nick Price, Applebey, and bunch of others.

Kinda hilly walk but really, really neat to be at an event like this. What other pro event can you stand 5 feet away from a pro and watch them work?

Good stuff.

Was at Congressional for the PGA Championship back in the mid/late 70s(I think)..Those guys play a game thats totally different. Even the sounds of the clubs hitting the ball are different from what you hear on a golf course. Sounds like Likliter is an Arnie fan, he was lighting up on every hole. I remember watching Hale Irwin practice chips onto the practice green, giving a group of us a running commentary on different ways to get the ball to the hole. Anyone that plays golf ought to go to a tourney at some point and watch how golf is really supposed to be played.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Crenshaw smokes like a freight train too. I went to the Kemper at Avenel 3 or 4 years ago. Hotter than 2 hecks and man did we have some serious T storms. It was cool to go and see the the tourney even for the casual fan.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
What other pro event can you stand 5 feet away from a pro and watch them work?
There are some "pro" dancers that let you get close enough to slip them a few bucks. :biggrin:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said: your knowledge and experience!
Yes, but not recently. It was one of the old spectator sports I used to enjoy.

:backtotopic: What's up with Kite leading?