Boudoir Photograhy...

Hey everyone,
I just added a boudoir devision to my photography business. If any one is interested please check out the web site.

(Deejay :howdy:I hope pimping the business doesn't break any forum rules! ):whistle:

Feel free to delete it if it does...


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I've seen folks that jumped on here promoting their "fly-by-night" business and have never paid for any advertising. This lady has. Get off her back.

It's only spam if your not a paying sponsor.


New Member
Non partisan review-I do not know the owner.
Nicely done! Unique gallery software is working flawlessly. Opened with one of my favorite songs, "You Give Me Fever". Overall a very nice website expressing a lot of happiness and wonderful memories we all seem to need more of in this world. After being widowed over 6 years, maybe it's time for me to get married again.? I wish you continued success

Hey Guys never meant to pi-- so many people off! Seriously. I'm trying to start a small business and for the little company trying to get the word out it is very, very expensive.

I advertise as much as I can on and a few other sites in the area like so I spend every extra dollar I can on advertising. The economy is horrible this year. Everyone is having a hard time and doing what they can.

I honestly think there are some women out there looking for this service and might be happy coming across the post. I never posted much before because I'm on so many sites studying photography and reading their forums; I just never got around to it or have time
Last night I came across the ladies room and started reading. I posted what I hope will be some useful information to help others on a few of the other threads as well.

Forums are a place to chat & exchange ideas I had no idea people would be so territorial about it or get so mad I even left a note for Deejay to remove it if she thought she needed to. I don't understand the anger. I'm a nice person seriously :). And, thank you Mad dog marine LOL with a name like that I'm surprised you didn't get angry at me too!
Thank you for the nice comment on the sight and finding those spelling errors!!! I sent you a facebook friend request! Maybe I'll talk to you over there.
I worked for weeks putting that web site together and finding a theme with photos, music and colors that would work in harmony.
I was so excited when it all came together!
I even have to design my own web site I'm so low budget right now! LOL

Oh well, I hope with hard work it will all pay off and the the business will become successful.
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Methodically disorganized
Forums are a place to chat & exchange ideas I had no idea people would be so territorial about it or get so mad
People seem to build up a lot of tension in the real world, then enjoy unleashing it once they feel anonymous. has a solid reputation for attracting that type of individual.

Thank you for the nice comment on the sight and finding those spelling errors!!!
Like the one in the thread title? :lol:

It is like this on a lot of forums dealing with photography too. :) Life is too short! lol
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Hey Guys never meant to pi-- so many people off! Seriously. I'm trying to start a small business and for the little company trying to get the word out it is very, very expensive.

Didn't pi-- me off. I'm with ya sista. More power to you. In these troubling economic days; ya gotta do ... what ya gotta do. You didn't do anything wrong as far as I'm concerned (but who am I)?.

Good luck to you and your business. I wish you much success!


Oh good I hate to end up making people mad! I bet DeeJay throws my post off Monday anyway LOL
Seriously if you guys know any one who needs a photographer Please send them my way! If you are on face book link me :)
All of you have a nice night I'm off to bed. Have to work tomorrow. UGH