New Member
So, we put Molly out last night around midnight and she was out all of about 3-4 minutes, just long enough to "do her business" and when she came in, something was wrong?? She is acting like she can't walk, tail stuck to her butt, refuses to go up any stairs, won't move at all, it's like she doesn't know how to walk? So, took her to the E.R. and she was fine, waggin her tail, acting all fine. Was discharged thinking she had some sort of minor seizure episode. That was around 3.a.m. and $200.00 ago.. NOW SHE'S WORSE... having to carry her up and down stairs unless you drag her by her collar(which i'm not). She won't move, literally won't take a step, shes like a statue. If you put her on the bed, she'll stay in the exact same spot not taking a step for hours? SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME WHAT TO DO??