Boy, 10, hangs himself ...........................


Ubi bene ibi patria
Boy, 10, hangs himself after telling his mother: 'I want to be a girl'

"A boy of ten hanged himself after telling his mother that he wanted to become a girl, an inquest was told yesterday.

Cameron McWilliams, who liked to wear girls' underwear, asked if he could start using make-up just days before committing suicide, the hearing heard.

His mother, who described him as a lonely young boy, told the coroner: "It was apparent he was unhappy and said he wanted to be a girl. He did like girls' things."

She said he had been teased after being found in his half-sister's underwear, but had been forbidden from wearing make-up until he was much older.

Mrs McWilliams, a 31-year-old mother of five, described how she discovered her son's body in the early hours of February 4. "

Boy, 10, hangs himself after telling his mother: 'I want to be a girl' | the Daily Mail


Boy, 10, hangs himself after telling his mother: 'I want to be a girl'

"A boy of ten hanged himself after telling his mother that he wanted to become a girl, an inquest was told yesterday.

Cameron McWilliams, who liked to wear girls' underwear, asked if he could start using make-up just days before committing suicide, the hearing heard.

His mother, who described him as a lonely young boy, told the coroner: "It was apparent he was unhappy and said he wanted to be a girl. He did like girls' things."

She said he had been teased after being found in his half-sister's underwear, but had been forbidden from wearing make-up until he was much older.

Mrs McWilliams, a 31-year-old mother of five, described how she discovered her son's body in the early hours of February 4. "

Boy, 10, hangs himself after telling his mother: 'I want to be a girl' | the Daily Mail

This saddens me. What if this was your child? The suicide rate in trans gender persons is the highest of all groups. Mom should have been getting counseling for her son long before this was happening.


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Staff member
PREMO Member
He was standing by the window with a dressing gown on. His head was down and I realised something really serious had happened and screamed.

Fainting game - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Today's kids are using ropes, leashes, shirts, belts to loop around their neck, tie it so something, lean into it and then this happens. If they pass out, they will stay in this noose and that's what leads to death," he said.

Up to 20% of teens play the game. Many learn about it through popular internet sites.

The main things parents should do is look for tell-tale signs of this being done. These include bloodshot eyes, marks on the neck, severe headaches and disorientation. - New Study Released On Dangerous `Choking Game'


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Sorry, I'm throwing the flag on this story. :bs:

The gay azz photo of the kid at the top of the story speaks volumes. We're talking about a pre-pubescent 10 year old here, people. Yet he's interested in autoerotic asphyxiation and other sexual deviancies?

Uh huh.


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Sorry, I'm throwing the flag on this story. :bs:

The gay azz photo of the kid at the top of the story speaks volumes. We're talking about a pre-pubescent 10 year old here, people. Yet he's interested in autoerotic asphyxiation and other sexual deviancies?

Uh huh.
Who knows what's in the mind of a 10 yr. old these days. The mother doesn't believe it was suicide. The boy knew a lot about other hangings. It may not have been autoerotic asphyxiation he was after but a mere chance for a free high - except that you don't do it alone. Besides, if he already was displaying an outward sexual fetish by dressing in "girls" clothes, how can you say he's too young to have "other sexual deviances"?

The media used these people to garner sympathy for the boy's weird tendencies when they could have enlightened parents that this sort of thing does happen.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The media used these people to garner sympathy for the boy's weird tendencies when they could have enlightened parents that this sort of thing does happen.

The photo sealed it for me - straight (haha) out of a NAMBLA stroke book. Someone took that photo, and I'd bet that someone was one of the kid's parents. So I think that, rather than trying to deal with this child's issues, the parents actively encouraged it. No wonder the kid was screwed up.


Ubi bene ibi patria
The photo sealed it for me - straight (haha) out of a NAMBLA stroke book. Someone took that photo, and I'd bet that someone was one of the kid's parents. So I think that, rather than trying to deal with this child's issues, the parents actively encouraged it. No wonder the kid was screwed up.

There IS something fishy here. The pictures don't quite match up......


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Ubi bene ibi patria
The NAMBLA pic actually looks like the younger brother (see the family photo shot).

I didn't think of that possibility, here I've added the brother. I think the paper posted the wrong picture. BTW what is a "NAMBLA PIC"?


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