Brady injury...

Good play?

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I'm in the middle....maybe he should have pulled up a little, but it is football and the QB's are over protected as it is....


New Member
Looks like just part of the game to me. That defender was trying to get to/at Brady any way he could. Was just working hard, playing hard. Looks to me like Brady would have been fine had his lineman not pounced on the d-liner as he hit Brady.


I know nothing
If Brady was running away. No injury

If bradys knee was facing foward. No injury

Brady had his leg facing towards the side lines. And I think it was just a fluke.


Active Member
It looked to me like the defender was pushed into Brady by another Patriot....just football.

Edited --Ok just watched the video. Looks like the defender was going after Brady and between him trying to tackle Brady and the other Patriot player trying to tackle the defender was just too much momentum on a straight leg--opinion still just football.
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it was just a matter of time...

stick a fork in them. patriots are done.


Nothing to see here
He was striding towards the defender and the defender was trying to wrap his ankles up. Not the defenders fault that he stepped into him and he got him higher than the ankles. Slow motion makes it look like it was avoidable on the defender's part, I don't think it was when you look at it at normal speed.


Football addict
Just play football...not ballet.

Here's your answer in question format...

...what would Deacon Jones say?


At first from seeing it on tv, my thought was "wow! lowblow!" and immediaely was going to post that on the poll ... but after seeing this link... I think it was just the defender going after the QB. They are taught fundamentals of wrapping up the legs :shrug: and so DB saw, one leg and tried to do the best he could :shrug: Not lowblow but trying to wrap up the leg for a tackle, kind of a freak accident though sort of thing. :shrug: