Braxton Hicks


Well-Known Member
How many is too many? I have been having them off an on for about 8 weeks or so. But the past few weeks I am having them more often (in the evening) 10 or more in a 2 hour period. (usually start right when I lay down for the day in bed) I also have them off an on (maybe 4-6 through out the day time) I drink plenty of water so dehydration shouldnt be a factor. I do have an appointment Friday just wondering if anyone else had this same issue during on of their pregnancies.


Soul Probe
How many is too many? I have been having them off an on for about 8 weeks or so. But the past few weeks I am having them more often (in the evening) 10 or more in a 2 hour period. (usually start right when I lay down for the day in bed) I also have them off an on (maybe 4-6 through out the day time) I drink plenty of water so dehydration shouldnt be a factor. I do have an appointment Friday just wondering if anyone else had this same issue during on of their pregnancies.

I don't know how many is too many or even if it's an issue as long as they're Braxton Hicks and not actual labor. As I remember it, I had more of those with each subsquent pregnancy, but I don't recall them happening until the 8th month or so. Also, it sounds like they are occurring when you lay down and get off your feet and relax. That may have something to do with it. You're a very active woman and uterine/pelvic muscles are probably reacting to the release of strain and having to hold in/up the weight of the baby.

This is just a complete and total guess mind you. Let us know what the doc says on Friday. :huggy:


New Member
Mine had started at the beginning of November, and my daughter was born December 28th. I had been dialated to a 4 at Thanksgiving.......and everytime we thought about going to the hospital........they'd stop............and to this day, she still teases me, and she's 18. :smile:


Well-Known Member
I don't know how many is too many or even if it's an issue as long as they're Braxton Hicks and not actual labor. As I remember it, I had more of those with each subsquent pregnancy, but I don't recall them happening until the 8th month or so. Also, it sounds like they are occurring when you lay down and get off your feet and relax. That may have something to do with it. You're a very active woman and uterine/pelvic muscles are probably reacting to the release of strain and having to hold in/up the weight of the baby.
This is just a complete and total guess mind you. Let us know what the doc says on Friday. :huggy:
That is kinda what I was thinking, I just got a little more worried when I looked online and a lot of sites said 4 or more braxton hicks in an hour and you should call your dr :shrug:
Mine had started at the beginning of November, and my daughter was born December 28th. I had been dialated to a 4 at Thanksgiving.......and everytime we thought about going to the hospital........they'd stop............and to this day, she still teases me, and she's 18. :smile:

I am not due until October so just getting a little nervous that they are starting already.


pretty black roses
As long as they do not become more intense with pain, you should be okay but ask your doc as she is the one who will know if you are having too many. :huggy:

I know with both of my kids, I was having those things from 7 months until I had them. I was always uncomfortable so I didn't even know I was in labor with either one until they said I wasn't going home :lmao:


New Member
How many is too many? I have been having them off an on for about 8 weeks or so. But the past few weeks I am having them more often (in the evening) 10 or more in a 2 hour period. (usually start right when I lay down for the day in bed) I also have them off an on (maybe 4-6 through out the day time) I drink plenty of water so dehydration shouldnt be a factor. I do have an appointment Friday just wondering if anyone else had this same issue during on of their pregnancies.

its usually a sign of dehydration - drink more water - I know like you need more - but it usually helps.


Loving My Life...
How many is too many? I have been having them off an on for about 8 weeks or so. But the past few weeks I am having them more often (in the evening) 10 or more in a 2 hour period. (usually start right when I lay down for the day in bed) I also have them off an on (maybe 4-6 through out the day time) I drink plenty of water so dehydration shouldnt be a factor. I do have an appointment Friday just wondering if anyone else had this same issue during on of their pregnancies.

I got/get mine in the evenings as well.. Tell your Dr. and he/she will check you to make sure you haven't dilated any... And remember if you're not sure go to L&D and they will hook you up and check you out!! :huggy:


My wife just went through that around the 8th month. It went on for like a month. Her doctor gave her med to lessen the contractions for few weeks until 36th(38th?) week of pregnancy. Her doctor told her to come in if she has contractions every five minutes for two hours .. or else stay home.. geez. Finally our son was born last July 10th around Noon. We agreed that my wife's first pregnancy is NOT the same as this second one. We learn that if my wife walks alot .. it will cause more contraction.. and if she sit or lay down alot .. less contraction .. hmm .. your situation may be different.


Well-Known Member
its usually a sign of dehydration - drink more water - I know like you need more - but it usually helps.
I read that also. But I am really good at drinking water. I normally have 10-12 glasses a day.
I got/get mine in the evenings as well.. Tell your Dr. and he/she will check you to make sure you haven't dilated any... And remember if you're not sure go to L&D and they will hook you up and check you out!! :huggy:
My apt this friday is w/ Shonekan :ohwell:


Loving My Life...
I read that also. But I am really good at drinking water. I normally have 10-12 glasses a day.

My apt this friday is w/ Shonekan :ohwell:

She told me to get water take it to the bathroom and just sit on the toilet and drink away and pee.. :lol: That's how much we need.. :jameo: I think I see her Thursday morning...


I read that also. But I am really good at drinking water. I normally have 10-12 glasses a day.

My apt this friday is w/ Shonekan :ohwell:
I see her next week, I'm not too crazy about her either.
My last pregnancy was totally different and I never felt any contractions braxton hicks or labor. This time around there are sometimes when I feel pain on the outside of my vagina, like a bit of a cramp especially when I'm working harder.
So what do they feel like?


Well-Known Member
I see her next week, I'm not too crazy about her either.
My last pregnancy was totally different and I never felt any contractions braxton hicks or labor. This time around there are sometimes when I feel pain on the outside of my vagina, like a bit of a cramp especially when I'm working harder.
So what do they feel like?

Not like that :twitch:


Just your tummy gets tight all over like a contraction but no actual pain per se, more like slight discomfort. They last from 15 seconds to a minute.

She is not my favorite either. Last apt I sat in the room waiting for over an hour (she wasnt even the dr. on call that day) and when she did come in she listened to the heart beat and was like "ok everything looks and sounds good have a nice rest of the afternoon" :eyebrow: I think she was in my room for maybe 3 minutes tops.

Baby got a craving last night for guacamole... so I had homemade guacamole w/ freshly fried tortilla chips for dinner last night :yum: I thought of you while I enjoyed it :huggy:
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Not like that :twitch:


Just your tummy gets tight all over like a contraction but no actual pain per se, more like slight discomfort. They last from 15 seconds to a minute.

She is not my favorite either. Last apt I sat in the room waiting for over an hour (she wasnt even the dr. on call that day) and when she did come in she listened to the heart beat and was like "ok everything looks and sounds good have a nice rest of the afternoon" :eyebrow: I think she was in my room for maybe 3 minutes tops.

Baby got a craving last night for guacamole... so I had homemade guacamole w/ freshly fried tortilla chips for dinner last night :yum: I thought of you while I enjoyed it :huggy:

OH!! I have felt them when I :gossip: That's the only time.

Yep, that's her style, I'm compiling a list of things to talk to her about.

:drool: mmmmmm, guac! I have some masa, I was thinking about making my own chips.... last bowl of guac I made/ate I ended up shamelessly licking the bottom of the bowl :blushing:
And i didn't share with my family :biggrin:
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Well-Known Member
OH!! I have felt them when I :gossip: That's the only time.

Yep, that's her style, I'm compiling a list of things to talk to her about.

:drool: mmmmmm, guac! I have some masa, I was thinking about making my own chips.... last bowl of guac I made/ate I ended up shamelessly licking the bottom of the bowl :blushing:
And i didn't share with my family :biggrin:
Yup that is them :high5: Except I am having a lot during the night w/ none of the :gossip: :mad:

I think I am just going to make my appointments from here on out w/ the other dr.'s :shrug:

I saw throw down w/ bobby flay the other morning when I couldnt sleep at like 2 am and they were making puffy shredded chicken tacos w/ guacamole. So we are having that for dinner tonight.:yum: My avacados arent ripe so I am going to Salsa's and picking up a container of their plain guacamole and doctoring it up when I get home :drool:


New Member
I got them really early at 6 months. Some were painful some weren't. I had morning sickness really bad so they said thats why i had them so early.


Well-Known Member
Called the OB and they want me to swing by L&D because they think it is a little bit to many for how far along I am so they just want to make sure everything is ok. :fingerscrossed:


Well-Known Member
Well good thing I called the Dr. yesterday. They told me to go to Labor & Delivery to be monitored. Turns out I was having Braxton Hicks / Contractions that were 4 1/2 - 5 minutes apart. It went on for about 2 hours so they ended up having to give me 4 injections of Terbutaline (sp) one every 15 minutes until they stopped.

So ladies if you have these and are concerned best thing to do is call the Dr. :yay:

I am sooooo tired today. I didnt get home until after 1 am :snooze:


Loving My Life...
Well good thing I called the Dr. yesterday. They told me to go to Labor & Delivery to be monitored. Turns out I was having Braxton Hicks / Contractions that were 4 1/2 - 5 minutes apart. It went on for about 2 hours so they ended up having to give me 4 injections of Terbutaline (sp) one every 15 minutes until they stopped.

So ladies if you have these and are concerned best thing to do is call the Dr. :yay:

I am sooooo tired today. I didnt get home until after 1 am :snooze:

Hope you're feeling better :huggy: Take it easy. Easier said then done though.. I should know... Well time for me to take a break and lay down cause I feel something coming on...