Breakfast Conversations


Throwing the deuces
I had an interesting discussion over my Cocoa Puffs this morning with my 7 and 4 year old. My 7 year old asked me why his weenie went up alittle when girls show him her underwear and my 4 year old informed me that his butt cheeks get bigger when he farts. :jameo:

What are some interesting "out of the blue" things your kids have told you??


..if momma ain't happy...
Boys were 8 and 10...sermon at church was about vocations, so on the way home I asked them who was going to become a priest. Both of them replied "Not me!".

When I asked them why, the oldest said priests couldn't go into bars. :eyebrow:

When I asked why they needed to go into bars, the youngest said that bars were where the half-dressed girls could be found! :jameo:

(Thanks, Dad! I really appreciated your influence!)


New Member
My 6 year old asked about getting hair under his arm pits. I said "yes, you will in a few years or so." Then he asked if it will help his arm fart sounds louder...I siad maybe

Then he had a lightbulb go off over his head. He asked, "will I get hair under my knees?" Then he proceeded to roll on his back and strike up the fart band, his slightly older brother happily joined in.... oy vey!:cartwheel