BREAKING NEWS - Ex Redskin great in trouble again.


Football season!
First it was drug charges. Now one time Washington Redskins great Dexter Manley is in trouble again, once again facing federal charges. Redskins fans remember Manley terrorizing opposing quarterbacks, but one local man is ready to fight back. Larry Gude, from Frederick Maryland, has started a grass roots compaign to bring Manley to justice. 'We can't let terrorists run free, they must be dealt with swifty and strongly' Gude exclaimed at a local townhall meeting. 'This shows that terrorists don't belong to a certain race. They don't need a certain level of education. They don't need political influence.'

Mr. Gude was prompted to start this campaign after reading an article about current Redskin Sean Taylor, in which the author describes how Manley would terrorize opposing backfields.

Federal authorities are in the process of watching old tapes to see if they can catch the suspect in action. Mr. Gude has provided several tapes to authorities, and many Ex-NFL quarterbacks, who wish to remain anonymous, have also come forward and provided statements supporting these allegations.
We will report more on this story as it unfolds.