Breaking up ain't so hard to do


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
I'm so over him/her

I hope this thread doesn't give anyone any ideas.

Please feel free to add your own real-life experiences. TIA



RBF expert

When I left my ex who I'd been living with and everything after 3 years, my large Italian family liked to joke that I should've known he was a putz from the beginning when he told me he hated red sauce/marinara :killingme


Throwing the deuces
I could use the big head/small body one or the slow walker one for my husband if we separated. :lol:


New Member
I once dumped a guy I was dating because he sneezed really loud and obnoxious... sorry dude but you gots to go... Now, my husband says he can hear my sneezes even when he's outside in the yard :ohwell: