ABC reported that its analysis of federal data showed that in August of 2021, only about 18.9% of covid deaths were among the vaccinated. But six months later, by February 2022, the proportion of jabbed “breakthrough” deaths had leapt to over FORTY PERCENT (40%).
It’s weird, how could this happen? Once it had become clear that the safe and effective jabs don’t prevent infections, you’ll recall that the experts PROMISED US that jabs are not just effective, but are HIGHLY EFFECTIVE at preventing severe illness AND DEATH. So what gives?
ABC’s cherry-picked expert struggled to find a silver lining, but he’s hanging in there. Boston Children’s Hospital epidemiologist and ABC News contributor Dr. John Brownstein confidently declared that ”These data should not be interpreted as vaccines not working. In fact, these real-world analyses continue to reaffirm the incredible protection these vaccines afford especially when up to date with boosters.”
You can trust Dr. Brownnose, I mean Dr. Jabmore, I mean Dr. Brownstein. Sorry. Anyway, he’s an expert, so shut up.
Now you might think these breakthrough deaths would be a reason to reconsider whether the safe and effective vaccines are really safe or effective or what. But nope. ABC said Dr. Fauci told Boston Public Radio, “Given the fact that immunity is waning, we’ve got to get people boosted.”
See, if it doesn’t work, you need to do it MORE and do it HARDER.

☕️ Coffee & Covid ☙ Wednesday, May 18, 2022 ☙ EMERGENT 🦠
The most important story you never heard about the jabs; revisiting the BMJ’s Pfizer expose; a shiny new euphemism for jab failure; important UFO hearings; Fauci gives a reason to vote Trump; & more.