Breast Cancer benefit Feb 23rd in California, MD


New Member
There will be a breast cancer benefit held on Saturday February 23rd from 8pm until 1 am in honor of my cousin Theresa Parsons. She has been having a really tough time, its more then just one person can handle. For those of you that don't know her, she is only 26 years old. She has a handsome son named Joey who she adores. She also does not have any health insurance. Family & friends are holding a benefit being held at the VFW in California, MD on February 23rd from 8pm until 1 am. Whether you are a friend of hers, a friend of mine or a complete ARE invited. There will be a DJ, free food and a cash bar. There will be silent auctions for cruise tickets and other items that will be received before the benefit. This is a wonderful opportunity to be with friends, make new friends, eat and drink...all for a GREAT CAUSE. Theresa recently started Chemotherapy and has been very sick. Can you imagine trying to do Chemotherapy and still work and take care of your son? I can't. As family & friends, we wish that we could make it all go away, but we can't. All that we can do is be there. Be there to listen, comfort and support. This is how we can help. There will be a $20 donation asked at the door, which will greatly be appreciated and every single dollar of this will go to Theresa and her son.

You may think your presence at this doesn't matter but I am asking every person that reads this to PLEASE come. YOUR PRESENCE DOES MATTER.
Here is the address of the benefit:
VFW-California MD
23282 Three Notch Road
California, MD 20619

Thanks for reading this, hope you can make it.

~Lisa ~