Breast Cancer Walk


Busy Girl
Hi everyone - I have put together a team of 5 young women who will be participating in this year's Avon Walk. We have been trying to come up with some ideas on how to raise money and have done a few, but we need to raise alot of money.

One of our ideas was to have a dinner with a silent auction, has anyone ever done this? None of us has experience with this sort of thing, and we dont know anyone who has a business that would donate gift certificates or services to us.

If anyone has any helpful hints, it would be greatly appreciated.



yeah yeah

Hey! :) :)

Call the businesses. That is your best bet. You never know who will give. We have had some amazing donors, just by calling. Look at renting a space in a church, and do something like a spaghetti dinner and silent auction. Ask grocery stores to donate the goods to do the dinners, and then find a hall to hold it at. Have vendors come, or different vendors to donate something. :)

Applebee's also has a fundraiser where you can do breakfast. Give them a call.

Check out the board on the avon walk site, and look under fundraising.


Busy Girl
Thanks, we are doing Applebee's fundraiser's right now. Its going okay, I see you are doing the walk also. I did it two years ago, but we had a much bigger team, and someone else was the captain, so now I am learning how hard she had it. :) Good luck and thanks for the advice.