Brennan, the Spooks, and Russian Collusion


PREMO Member
The FBI is being held accountable for its role in spy operations against the Trump campaign. John Brennan’s CIA should be held accountable as well.

An editorial by Holman Jenkins in the Wall Street Journal on June 29, 2018 recommends an investigation of the CIA’s involvement in the 2016 election, and I agree. The WSJ’s Kimberley Strassel has commented on CIA involvement as well, as did Rudy Giuliani on August 13th.

If press reports are accurate, American spy operations targeted the Trump campaign by luring Trump associates such as George Papadopoulos to meetings in Britain. There are two key factors at work here.

The first factor is the location. The CIA is in charge of American government spy ops that occur in foreign countries, not the FBI. While an American tourist can fly to Britain to see the changing of the guard and be in front of Buckingham Palace within 24 hours, an American FBI agent can do nothing in Britain without intricate CIA approvals and supervision. If the CIA were not involved, they’d be raising hell with the FBI for doing business on their turf. Turf is everything in bureaucracy. CIA involvement is certain.

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Well-Known Member
Here is my opinion--for what it's worth.
The Chinese, the Russians, Iraqui's Iranians they may hate the United States and work against us.
But they do little real damage to our system of Government.

The FBI and the CIA working with the Democrat party have done more to hurt this country than any of our enemies.

Abe Lincoln stated,"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."?

The insiders in the deep state FBI, the CIA and the Hillary campaign are working hard at that goal.


PREMO Member
The Chinese, the Russians, Iraqi's Iranians they may hate the United States and work against us.

But they do little real damage to our system of Government.

Russians [since they were communist] have been ####ing around string decision since the 1960s .... See Berkley Protests

but working in entertainment - aka publishing and Hollywood since the 40s

the ACLU was founded by Communists


PREMO Member
USSR Waged War On The West With Undercover Agents And Proxies

British historian Andrew Roberts did future generations a great service with his 5 minute PragerU history of the Cold War. But the accompanying quiz made a small error, which provides an opportunity to look more closely at how the Soviets waged their decades-long war on the West.

The damage a few well-placed agents can do should never be underestimated. The Cold War would have been very different had it not been for Stalin's successful atomic spy rings. A US/UK monopoly on nuclear weapons would have significantly increased the free world's ability to contain Soviet aggression and Soviet meddling.

Additionally, many of the Soviet Union's proxy wars were precipitated by successful undercover agents. Consider:

The Korean War: Kim Il Sung and Mao begged Stalin to green light the invasion of South Korea. Stalin refused, until he acquired the ability to build atomic weapons, courtesy of the GRU's atomic spy rings.