Bret Favre


Well-Known Member

Tonight 200 Consecutive Starts.

Since this feat began,

Bears have had 18 QB's,
Redskins- 16 QB's.

Some sports writers have compared this to Cal Ripkens' feat?


Well-Known Member
Larry Gude said: truly appreciate how incredible this is.

Maybe Cal's feat is comparable?
The point was made of the realitive physical intensity between football and baseball. Your chances of injury and missing a game are far greater in football.

Both feats are "incredible". I would shy away from placing them in the same catergory to determine which is the greatest.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I agree...

...but for people who might be casual fans I wanted to throw in some sort of grand context because it really is unthinkable to start 200 straight football games if you're a kicker let alone playing the one position where the goal of 11 big, strong, fast and mean mf'ers is to knock you on your ass every play.


Well-Known Member
Larry Gude said:
...but for people who might be casual fans I wanted to throw in some sort of grand context because it really is unthinkable to start 200 straight football games if you're a kicker let alone playing the one position where the goal of 11 big, strong, fast and mean mf'ers is to knock you on your ass every play.

And he has been knocked on his ass, quite a few times.

My comment about the comparison was directed more towards the sports media and the fact that the comparison was even started.