Brett Favre...

Larry Gude

Strung Out not, repeat, not just along for the ride.

He had no dominant run game yesterday. He did have an awesome defense. However, he did do that Brett thing and just gun sling it into tight places and get away with it and just play like the joyous kid we've enjoyed for nearly 2 decades.

THIS is why I am, glad he is still playing.



That was a great game for him and I was rooting for him all the way. He took some brutal hits and just kept getting right back up. One helluva feat for a guy his age. And as much praise his receivers get (which they deserve), his throws were right on target yesterday. It's hard not to give him credit for those touchdowns.

And that last touchdown which might have been disrespectful? Yeah, perhaps, but I think the kid in him just couldn't resist it. I'd cut him some slack.

I hope they go all the way! :yahoo:


All Up In Your Grill
I agree - Fav-rah had a helluva game yesterday, but he's already starting that "this may be my last game in the NFL" crap again. Why? I understand he's not getting any younger and it is a very physical and brutal game which takes a toll on ones body, but why not just keep his thoughts to himself, make the decision with his family and coaches and then just decide and announce...I'm playing - I'm not playing. Why stir up the drama?


They're out to get us
I agree - Fav-rah had a helluva game yesterday, but he's already starting that "this may be my last game in the NFL" crap again. Why? I understand he's not getting any younger and it is a very physical and brutal game which takes a toll on ones body, but why not just keep his thoughts to himself, make the decision with his family and coaches and then just decide and announce...I'm playing - I'm not playing. Why stir up the drama?

with the season his team is having, he's getting a little lost in the mix. he had to remind everyone he's a drama queen that wants all of the attention. now instead of it being about how great the vikings are doing, it's going to be about whether or not it's his last game. and then he gets all the publicity again.

he's definitely having a career year. i'm impressed

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I agree - Fav-rah had a helluva game yesterday, but he's already starting that "this may be my last game in the NFL" crap again.

Can I ask a question?


What is the obsession we have that everyone MUST be perfect? Isn't it OK that he has a quirk or three? Or your best friend? Or lover? Or spouse? Brett Favre whines every year about retirement. So WHAT??? Isn't what matters is that he has a career that WILL come to an end and, in the mean time, we just enjoy it???

otter argued to me that the Packers had to move on and he was right. For them, they had to. As for me, football fan, whine all you like, Brett. I like you for the play I get to watch.



Lobster Land
Played baseball/softball all my life until at the age of 35 my throwing arm was just gone otherwise I would have continued. I admire any person that can perform so well at his age.


Pixelated not, repeat, not just along for the ride.

He had no dominant run game yesterday. He did have an awesome defense. However, he did do that Brett thing and just gun sling it into tight places and get away with it and just play like the joyous kid we've enjoyed for nearly 2 decades.

THIS is why I am, glad he is still playing.


Brett is god