Brits deport alien criminals to Jamaica


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Funny how no nation wants criminal aliens among the general population.
Downing Street has dismissed concerns about a deportation flight to Jamaica as the preoccupation of a “Westminster bubble” and vowed to press ahead with an inquiry into the use of judicial review.

After a court judgment forced the government to remove more than half the people from the flight list, the prime minister’s press secretary said reaction to the case showed that “certain parts of Westminster still haven’t learned the lessons of the 2019 election”.

The flight to Jamaica took off early on Tuesday with 17 deportees onboard.

Downing Street said 25 people were prevented from being deported as a result of the court ruling. Originally about 50 had been expected to be onboard.

“These are all foreign national offenders – they have all received custodial sentences of 12 months or more. They are responsible for crimes like manslaughter, rape, dealing in class-A drugs,” Javid told BBC Radio 5 live.

In the House of Commons on Monday he had called for the flight to be halted amid concerns that more than 40 British children could be separated from their fathers.

“The government is deporting people who arrived in the UK as young as two, often for one-time drug offences,” he tweeted, linking to an article he wrote for the Guardian.

jamaican me crazy


God bless the USA
Seeing the error of their ways. Oopsie, too late. What is done cannot be undone. Period. Welcome to America. The last hope.
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Well-Known Member
Funny how no nation wants criminal aliens among the general population.

jamaican me crazy

Not sure you read the article. If you did, you sure didn't understand it.

More than half of the deportees that were supposed to be on the flight were ordered removed.

So , contrary to your assessment, the Brits DO want to keep these people--or the majority of them anyway--in their country.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
So , contrary to your assessment, the Brits DO want to keep these people--or the majority of them anyway--in their country.

A few people were removed so they could have more time to work on appealing their sentences. Seems like the potential deportees are being given fair, legal justice. I bet a bunch of them end up on a plane bound for warmer climes shortly.

More importantly, why do you want criminals living amongst law abiding Brits? Why is the left so infatuated with members of any society that have trouble following the law? Outstanding citizens such as Tookie, Mumia Abu-Jamal(Slave name Wes Cook), Assata Shakur (Slave name Joanne Chesimard), Jussie, Mike Brown and their ilk.