Broder Security...Finally!


Methodically disorganized
The BRODER is safe at last!

From the opinion article:
"Recent developments have convinced me this action is necessary— including violence directed at law enforcement, damage to property and livestock, increased evidence of drug smuggling, and an increase in the number of undocumented immigrants," Richardson said in a prepared statement.
Haven't all those issues been on the board for years? I wonder what finally pushed him [Richardson] over the edge.

The Mexican government, which has long opposed any increased border fencing, immediately criticized Richardson's actions.
They want a "spirit of cooperation and understanding". Screw dat! We have enough trouble with the Liberals dishing similar junk; we don't need it from Mexico also. They should feel fortunate that Richardson is not going with my idea to build a 100 foot wall. With spikes. And greased up. Crossing the border would be a new sport. :elaine:

Of course, all of the effort might be a waste if they turn east towards Texas or go yonder to Arizona. And knowing California, they may begin offering transport and unlimited cookies to assist hopeful illegals enter, in an attempt to balance Richardson's evil ways. Once across, CA will provide therapy to help the illegal overcome the trauma of their journey. :rolleyes:


Super Genius
hvp05 said:
The BRODER is safe at last!
Yeah, just noticed that. It's Monday. Sue me.
hvp05 said:
They should feel fortunate that Richardson is not going with my idea to build a 100 foot wall. With spikes. And greased up. Crossing the border would be a new sport. :elaine:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Bustem' Down said:
It all seems a bit to little to late. Texas has now bwcome the fourth state with a white minority. :lol:
That can be cured if we toss the illegals. I've said it before. The United States is being invaded, and we are doing nothing about it.