Broken Ribs Question!


New Member
Hi! Twenty-six years ago I was thrown head-first into a tree while horseback riding. I had a severe concussion and was hospitalized for three days. The doctors were very concerned about my head (I blacked out for many hours), and didn't worry about my ribs that were hurting. Eventually everything healed after about six months.

Now my ribs hurt on my back and on the sides whenever someone touches them. My husband likes to "spoon" when we go to sleep but it just hurts too much. Is this normal for the ribs to hurt so many years later? The front of my ribs don't hurt at all. It is just so weird. Any thoughts?

Has it been that way for 26 years, or is it more recent? Rather than see a doctor first (who typically will need to refer you for x-rays) or going to the emergency room, you could try a chiropractor. They can x-ray you on the spot and at least rule out any major issues with your musculoskeletal system. If they refer you to the hospital, you have a problem. If they instead say they can fix it if you come to them once a week for the rest of your life, go for a couple of sessions and see if you actually feel better (and if you do, go ahead and quit. don't fall for their wellness nonsense).


New Member
Thanks for all of your input. This has been going on ever since the accident. Sometimes it aches more than others. It's weird. Next time I go to the doctor's, I will have her check them out. That won't be anytime soon though because our health insurance doesn't cover as much as it used to and the deductibles were raised. Hopefully in another year or so the President and Congress will come up with a more affordable plan. Obamacare is way too expensive.


Active Member
Do you have any shortness of breath associated with it? If so, you need to go sooner than later.
Thanks for all of your input. This has been going on ever since the accident. Sometimes it aches more than others. It's weird. Next time I go to the doctor's, I will have her check them out. That won't be anytime soon though because our health insurance doesn't cover as much as it used to and the deductibles were raised. Hopefully in another year or so the President and Congress will come up with a more affordable plan. Obamacare is way too expensive.