


what can I do to prevent this cough I just got today from turning into bronchitis? I am prone to bronchitis i get it once a year and already had it one tiime think I am working time number 2 now :(.


Having Fun!
what can I do to prevent this cough I just got today from turning into bronchitis? I am prone to bronchitis i get it once a year and already had it one tiime think I am working time number 2 now :(.

Rest, plenty of fluids, and anything else your doctor tells you to do.

(go ahead and laugh but that old Mom thing about rubbing Vicks Vapor rub on your chest before going to bed does seem to help. Not too appealing to any company you might have there but, hey, priorities have to be set somewhere, right? :lmao:)


Rest, plenty of fluids, and anything else your doctor tells you to do.

(go ahead and laugh but that old Mom thing about rubbing Vicks Vapor rub on your chest before going to bed does seem to help. Not too appealing to any company you might have there but, hey, priorities have to be set somewhere, right? :lmao:)

thanks for the helpful information twinoaks. I already been doing the rest thing I am starting to fall asleep sitting up but I can't very long though as I have to be to work by 2pm the latest.


USMC 1983-1995
Get yourself some Zycam throat spray or chews or lozenges, start right away and keep it up every 4 hours.
When I get that I take very hot showers and let the water hit my upper back and chest/neck, breath in deep to get the hot moist air in and cough out what I can. Painful but it'll help clear it out and the deep breathing will help stop pneumonia from settling in.


Bite the bullet and go to the doctor for antibiotics. The longer you go the more severe the bronchitis will get - it will probably take double that to get over it when you do give up and go to the doctor. Get the antibiotics and you'll be feeling better in few days. Don't and it'll be weeks before you really feel like yourself.

( I do understand the hope that "maybe I can throw this off without it getting too bad." I tend to go into denial when I feel the bronchitis starting to flare up, too.)


my doctor isn't in til tuesday if i get worse as all i have is a little nagging cough tonight i will have my stepsister take me to urgent care tomorrow to get antibiotics.


I just had it. Had a fever the first day of 101. Had to see the Doc and get the antibiotics. He also prescribed Mucinex. It is contagious until you are on the antibiotics for the first 24 hours.


Horse Poor
You need antibiotics and get some MucenixDM that's what my Dr. puts me on when I get them... If you wait the worst it get's, then you have walking pneumonia..:howdy:


You need antibiotics and get some MucenixDM that's what my Dr. puts me on when I get them... If you wait the worst it get's, then you have walking pneumonia..:howdy:

I was told by my family doctor the last time i was in to go see them when i started coughing up color. that hasn't happened yet. I have 3 different things I can take for coughing one thing i just took lasts 12hrs (delsym) that is what my doctor recommended to me the last time i got bronchitis. I also have musinex dm if the delsym doesn't help me. I just hope this doesn't get worse as the day goes on as I already feel pretty ####ty

thanks everyone for there help :)


Lem Putt
all i have is a little nagging cough tonight

You don't need antibiotics for a little nagging cough. Leave the urgent care for people who actually need it.

You don't need antibiotics and drugs every time you get a sniffle or cough. Colds and flu are natural and normal. Stop being a hypochondriac.


You don't need antibiotics for a little nagging cough. Leave the urgent care for people who actually need it.

You don't need antibiotics and drugs every time you get a sniffle or cough. Colds and flu are natural and normal. Stop being a hypochondriac.

stfu. by the way i am prone to getting bronchitis and I know what it sounds like etc. I am atleast smart enough to get treatment instead of letting it turn into pneumonia and land myself in stmarys hospital.


Podunk FL
I get bronchitis frequently and it can go from a little simple cold to full-out bronchitis to pneumonia within 3 or 4 days.

Have the humidier which will help some.

Go into a hot steamy shower and hack up the junk. Mucinex when it is settled into my lungs does nothing.

I also have albuterol that I puff on when my lungs start bothering me.

I am asthmatic and it can get ugly real fast for me. I had it so bad last spring I needed a breathing treatment twice.


Has that wonderful doctor of yours suggested a nebulizer yet?

when i am in the doctors office she does nebulizer treatments on me and then sends me home with a albuterol inhaler. I i started using this am in hoping I can keep this from turning into anything. I am doing that and cough syrup. If I don't get better off those 2 then off to the doctors I go.


Podunk FL
Problem with cough syrup is that it is a suppressant. YOu want to hack up the stuff. Dry coughs are want productive coughs.

Only reason I do not have a neublizer at home is that my inhaler 9 times out of 10 is enough. When I am sick enough to see the dr if my inhaler and other stuff hasn't worked..I do get a breathing treatment at the dr's.


i think i am going to switch to musinex dm. as that stuff says it breaks it up and gets it out. I want this gone :(. I scared a few people away earlier when I started coughing and couldn't stop :(.


Lovin' being Texican
i think i am going to switch to musinex dm. as that stuff says it breaks it up and gets it out. I want this gone :(. I scared a few people away earlier when I started coughing and couldn't stop :(.

Musinex, Robitussin, and other cough syrups all have the same active agent and they all work by loosening the mucus so you can cough it out. But none of these work unless you drink lots and lots of water. They work by breaking up and liquidating the thick sticky mucus in your airways and sinuses.

If the cough syrup has DM in its name it has a cough suppressant (dextromethrophan) which is an isomer of morphine and works on the brain to suppress cough. It's OK to take a little DM but don't overdo it.

The most important thing to take to clear up bronchitis or prevent a cold turning to bronchitis is good old water. At least three quarts a day when you're felling well, more when you are ill, the humidity is low, you are doing strenuous activity or have a fever.

Antibiotics for a common cold are a BIG mistake. You are treating a virus (not a bacteria) which do not respond to antibiotics. If you have a medical condition that prevents you fighting an infection, or you damage your airways with smoke or other inhaled toxins, you may respond to judicious use of antibiotics. If you doctor is one of those guys who gives you antibiotics at the first symptoms of a cold, you've either got a fool for a doctor or you've got something else terribly wrong with your immunity.

EDIT: Sorry, looked Delsym up and find it also contains Dextromethorphan so it is a suppressant agent too.
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