Brooklyn Ball Barbers

Editor Editor
Staff member
PREMO Member
FYI: On 01/16/2020 Google designated this thread: Adult: Sexual content and has restricted ads

Even though it is a Comedy Central video that is posted to Google-owned YouTube.

This is the stuff we have to put up with every day, and you don't even hear a fraction of it.

Not unlike when Gmail identifies email sent from other Google services as Spam and files them accordingly, even though I continually flag them as NOT SPAM.

Editor Editor
Staff member
PREMO Member
"The male genitalia is not the loveliest of God's creations"

How true, especially when left to grow wild and not manscaped, and/or with a big sloppy gut towering above it.


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
Can someone get a message to Jessica Yaniv?

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