Brown lays blame


Football season!
bush liked him, should have stayed :shrug:

"And Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job." —George W. Bush, to FEMA director Michael Brown who resigned 10 days later amid criticism over his job performance, Mobile, Ala., Sept. 2, 2005


9/11 - Never Forget!
gumby said:

With apologies in advance to the horse folks in this forum, this reply is offered with the full knowledge that I am beating the proverbial :deadhorse
This is quoted from the CNN story:
Committee Chairman Tom Davis, R-Va., cautioned against too narrowly assigning blame. "At the end of the day, I suspect that we'll find that government at all levels failed," Davis said.

He pushed Brown on what he and his agency should have done to evacuate New Orleans, restore order and improve communication.

"Those are not FEMA roles," Brown said. "FEMA doesn't evacuate communities. FEMA does not do law enforcement. FEMA does not do communications."

Brown said the lack of an effective evacuation of New Orleans before the storm was the tipping point for all the other things that went wrong.''

A "mandatory" evacuation was ordered Sunday by Nagin, the mayor. However, buses were not provided and thousands of residents were stranded without transportation in low-lying areas.

On the way home today I listened to some of the leftist news headline readers on WTOP and continually noted the effort to paint Brown's statements to be an attempt to shift blame. That premise is only valid if you have a preconcieved notion that Brown and FEMA were to blame. I think one of the key statements Brown made was the one about his biggest failure was not recognizing that Louisiana was totally disfunctional prior to the storm arrival.
One would think that even Tom Davis would have some idea of what the assigned role of FEMA has been for many years.
This is quoted from the FEMA mission established in 1979:
FEMA does not respond to every disaster that occurs in the U.S. It
responds only when a disaster overwhelms a state's resources and the
governor requests federal help. Once damage assessments are made, the
President may issue a federal disaster declaration, opening the way for
the federal government to pay for disaster recovery.
In this case the President issued the disaster declaration on Saturday so that some of the Federal Response could be started. Without that disaster declaration it could have been a couple of additional days before the Federal help arrived.
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New Member
Azz holes!

``I'm happy you left,'' said Rep. Christopher Shays, R-Conn. ``That kind of look in the lights like a deer tells me you weren't capable of doing that job.''

Rep. Gene Taylor, D-Miss., told Brown: ``The disconnect was, people thought there was some federal expertise out there. There wasn't. Not from you.''

Great answer...``My biggest mistake was not recognizing by Saturday that Louisiana was dysfunctional,'' two days before the storm hit, Brown said.


Lovin' being Texican
In Baton Rouge, La., Blanco's press secretary, Denise Bottcher, responded: ``Mike Brown wasn't engaged then, and he surely isn't now. He should have been watching CNN instead of the Disney Channel,'' Bottcher said.

If he was supposed to be doing all this work, why do they think he had time to watch ANY television? Why were they watching television instead of doing their tasks?


These politicians on both sides are rubes. They have prepared questions and comments and they are incapable of thinking on their feet or being objective. “The script say I don’t like this guy so it doesn’t matter what logic he provides I will hate him.”

Goober congressman: Why didn’t you rescue those people?

Brown says something to the effect: FEMA does not rescue people, FEMA does not evacuate people FEMA does not provide communications. It is the local governments job to plan and do that.

Goober congressman: You fell on your face.

Brown: You want me to be a super hero and swoop in and personally lead the residents of New Orleans out?

Goober congressman: No, I wanted you to do your job and coordinate.

Brown: I tried, the Mayor and the Governor who are in charge couldn’t stop arguing long enough to do what they were supposed to do.

Goober congressman: I can’t believe you are blaming them for your failures.

Brown: what failures, I told you FEMA does not evacuate, FEMA does not rescue, FEMA does not provide communications?

Goober congressman: I am glad you quit.


wandering aimlessly
Pete said:
These politicians on both sides are rubes. They have prepared questions and comments and they are incapable of thinking on their feet or being objective. “The script say I don’t like this guy so it doesn’t matter what logic he provides I will hate him.”

Goober congressman: Why didn’t you rescue those people?

Brown says something to the effect: FEMA does not rescue people, FEMA does not evacuate people FEMA does not provide communications. It is the local governments job to plan and do that.

Goober congressman: You fell on your face.

Brown: You want me to be a super hero and swoop in and personally lead the residents of New Orleans out?

Goober congressman: No, I wanted you to do your job and coordinate.

Brown: I tried, the Mayor and the Governor who are in charge couldn’t stop arguing long enough to do what they were supposed to do.

Goober congressman: I can’t believe you are blaming them for your failures.

Brown: what failures, I told you FEMA does not evacuate, FEMA does not rescue, FEMA does not provide communications?

Goober congressman: I am glad you quit.
Yep, those congressmen were real fair and impartial. :sarcasm: