Bruce Jenner: The Interview


Well-Known Member
Diane Sawyer asks the questions Friday night 9pm.

He has boobs now so wonder if she'll ask about those......


Diane Sawyer asks the questions Friday night 9pm.

He has boobs now so wonder if she'll ask about those......

I wonder if he's been propositioned by Playboy or (God help us all) Hustler to do a photoshoot after they invert his junk.


Well-Known Member
Have no interest in watching it and don't care. Remember when he was an olympic athlete and looked up to him. And lost all interest in him when this whole Kardashian thing started. What he does or doesn't do, i really don't care about.


Well-Known Member
I recorded it and just finished watching. I really knew nothing about him except for recent stories and pictures. My eyes are filled with water still, after viewing.

I came away from the interview feeling so sorry for him...he is clearly tortured. He needs help and prayers. He says he's conservative and a Christian.

He has a very big heart, he also had tears. His pain shows cleary. I wish he had stayed away from giving this interview, especially with Sawyer. If he felt so the need, I wish instead it to have been a doctor.

I so appreciate not having his troubles and hope someone can help him and not use him.
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