Bruce Smith..


Nothing to see here

Why not?? Well, I can't blame him for taking Snyder's money, but he didn't even try to earn it when he was here. He was pathetic, and it wasn't from lack of talent, it was from a lack of passion. He got his money, so he quit putting out. Thats not a HOF'er, thats a POS.


They're out to get us
Why not?? Well, I can't blame him for taking Snyder's money, but he didn't even try to earn it when he was here. He was pathetic, and it wasn't from lack of talent, it was from a lack of passion. He got his money, so he quit putting out. Thats not a HOF'er, thats a POS.

He was pretty old by the time he got to Washington. Older than Jason Taylor, who had a down year. Not everyone is great until they retire. They just keep playing til nobody will hire them or they realize they need to stop. Why do you think Buffalo didn't resign him? They knew he was finished.