
Larry Gude

Strung Out

...todays Post would have been a much better time to write all about how far he's come and how well he's playing, rather than yesterday morning.

Yesterday was one of those 'it all comes together' games after a bunch of woulda, coulda, shoulda since he took over.

His first pass to Moss might have been knocked down by a better corner (or that kid if he'd looked) but other than that he played a perfect first half. He found guys right away, was right on the money and everything worked.

For a young guy, it's a game you get all excited about and maybe fall off the next week some. As a vet, I think yesterday puts the rest of the league on notice; no one, not Peyton, not McNabb, no one is in more command of and executing as well his teams offense as Mark Brunnel.

What may have gone un-noticed yesterday was that Brunnel, in addition to hitting Moss, finding Cooley and Sellers and making the screens work, found David Patten on several throws that are right up his alley; moving across the field which gives him the opportunity for yards after catch, which is what Gibbs wanted him for.

That's it right there. Nobody can shut down Moss AND Cooley AND Sellers AND now Patten. That's too many threats and yesterdays game gives Patten and Brunnel that connection, that trust that Mark has made with first Moss and then the other guys. This is classic Gibbs, too many guys to stop everyone.

Now, while the 49'ers were not exactly the 85 Bears, they did beat the Rams and play the Boys real close, so, it ended up a cakewalk but it's because we executed with a great deal of confidence and that is the stuff.

This is real good timing because the defense is really starting to get banged up on the line and in the secondary. Now, I think the confidence will be there for the offense to start pulling a lot more of the weight.

Yesterday, the season tilted in our favor.
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You're all F'in Mad...
Larry Gude said:
Yesterday, the season tilted in our favor.


Larry - Teams with FEWER losses than the Redskins... Colts and Bucs. There are a bunch of teams with 2 losses. I don't know how much tilting has been done yet... I think that occurs in December...
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Larry Gude

Strung Out
It's the...

Oz said:

Larry - Teams with FEWER losses than the Redskins... Colts and Bucs. There are a bunch of teams with 2 losses. I don't know how much tilting has been done yet... I think that occurs in December...

...coming together thing I'm looking for. Teams that have that edge, that full speed, same page, same line, same word thing like the Skins have had in the past, the 49'ers best teams, Steelers and so on.

It doesn't take much some times.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Pete said:

...I do recall you stating that Brunnel would pass for 300 yards every week and 2-3 scores.


You can admit he's playing better than even you thought whenever you have a moment.


You're all F'in Mad...
Larry Gude said:
...I do recall you stating that Brunnel would pass for 300 yards every week and 2-3 scores.


You can admit he's playing better than even you thought whenever you have a moment.

Hey Larry - One "N" and 2 "L" - a guy with a 147.9 QB Rating deserves to have his name spelled correctly... :cheers:

Even your boy Ramsey had a 100 rating... How many times did he throw the ball? :confused: Patrick Ramsey Web site of the day:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Oz said:
Hey Larry - One "N" and 2 "L" - a guy with a 147.9 QB Rating deserves to have his name spelled correctly... :cheers:

...I'll try but you may as well talk auto parts to me; I might be able ot handle that.

I am leggennd