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Passenger Urinates In Aisle, Diverts Orlando Flight

POSTED: 7:10 am EST November 26, 2005
UPDATED: 11:45 pm EST November 26, 2005

CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- An intoxicated passenger who lit a cigarette and urinated in the aisle led pilots to divert a United Airlines flight from Orlando to Washington, D.C., an airline spokeswoman said.

The man, whose name the airline declined to release, was taken off flight 1502 in Charlotte and questioned by police, spokeswoman Robin Urbanski said.

The man was "acting extremely inappropriately," Urbanski said. "When you want to run a safe airline, we don't tolerate that type of activity on our aircraft."

A Charlotte-Mecklenburg police watch commander referred questions about an in-flight incident to the FBI in Charlotte, which did not immediately return a call seeking comment.

Watch Local 6 News for more on this story.