Buffett concert


Active Member
Jimmy Buffett concert was great. He did a lot of favorites but not so much joking around. There were a lot more drunk people this year than last and that kinda spoiled it. The tailgaters were great but these were the young ones. We got in early and had a nice spot. Shortly after the concert started, a bunch of drunk youngsters showed up all around us, claiming every square foot of grass between the blankets and chairs . The drunk person in front of us fell into my wife and son and we had to push him back. Later he passed out on the grass and had numerous other drunks dancing over him and taking pictures with him. The people behind us (showed up late and encroached on the open 12 inches of grass between blankets) were cussing like sailors. The little girl in front of us was about 8 .
The concert was great and Buffett (of course) was great.


New Member
Experienced similar issues two years ago at a Buffett show. I remember mentioning to friends that I did not recall having to step over so many people passed out on the lawn in years prior. Why spend all that $$ on tickets when you can't remember the show? Oh well, enjoy the weekend everyone!


Well-Known Member
That's why

I don't go to outdoor concerts anymore, too many ignorant azzholes and drunks.