Build Back Better vs American Recovery and Reinvestment Act


Raisin cane
Think of it - this administration wants in the neighborhood of $4.5 TRILLION for a 'Build Back Better' agenda. I'm not sure if you guys remember (but I do) the Obama Administration 'American Recovery and Reinvestment Act' (ARRA) of 2009 that was supposed to start 'shovel ready' jobs, invest in American infrastructure, and spur the economy. That was only a mere $840 Billion.

We all know that whatever the government touches turns to crap. They mis-manage EVERYTHING. Why would we expect these TRILLIONS of dollars to be spent wisely and to really do what we are being told they will do?

Here is a little reminder of how bad the ARRA was, and this is just one little microcosm of the entire thing.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member


PREMO Member
Well, there’s some new analysis that’s come down the pike that should make the Democrats’ heads spin.

Justin Haskins of the Heartland Institute reports that the 2017 Trump tax cuts actually benefitted — gasp — the middle class.
Haskins writes:
According to data from the U.S. Internal Revenue Service comparing outcomes from 2017 to 2018—the first year the tax reform law went into effect—the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act reduced average effective income tax rates for filers in every one of the IRS’s income brackets, with the largest benefits going to lower- and middle-income households.
For example, after accounting for all tax deductions and credits, filers with an adjusted gross income (AGI) of $40,000 to $50,000 received an average tax cut of 18.2 percent.
Oh, but there’s more. The tax cuts helped people improve their standard of living — and we’re not talking about the filthy rich here:
The IRS data further show that the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act appeared to have a strong upward effect on economic mobility. The number of filers with an adjusted gross income of $1 to $25,000 decreased by more than 2 million in just one year, while the number of households reporting incomes higher than $25,000 increased in every income bracket.



Well-Known Member
Well, there’s some new analysis that’s come down the pike that should make the Democrats’ heads spin.

Justin Haskins of the Heartland Institute reports that the 2017 Trump tax cuts actually benefitted — gasp — the middle class.
Haskins writes:

Oh, but there’s more. The tax cuts helped people improve their standard of living — and we’re not talking about the filthy rich here:

Just raising the standard deduction helped an awful lot of folks !


Well-Known Member
Think of it - this administration wants in the neighborhood of $4.5 TRILLION for a 'Build Back Better' agenda. I'm not sure if you guys remember (but I do) the Obama Administration 'American Recovery and Reinvestment Act' (ARRA) of 2009 that was supposed to start 'shovel ready' jobs, invest in American infrastructure, and spur the economy. That was only a mere $840 Billion.

We all know that whatever the government touches turns to crap. They mis-manage EVERYTHING. Why would we expect these TRILLIONS of dollars to be spent wisely and to really do what we are being told they will do?

Here is a little reminder of how bad the ARRA was, and this is just one little microcosm of the entire thing.

I love this picture of Biden standing behind Obama,
When I see now that he won't sit beside Kamala.