Bully or Bullied?

Which were you?

  • I was the bully; got a problem with that??

    Votes: 6 8.7%
  • I was the one the bully was picking on.

    Votes: 15 21.7%
  • I was friends with all and paid no mind

    Votes: 28 40.6%
  • School days? You expect me to remember my school days???

    Votes: 20 29.0%

  • Total voters


okay; with the current situations on the board I figured I'd do a poll on the subject and maybe get to know you guys a little better. (Or at least understand where you're coming from).:biggrin:
So what I want to know is ; back in the school days were you a bully or were you the one being picked on?


New Member
If I was ever picked on, it's because my friends teased me or something. I wasn't much of a bully, and I had many friends in different "social" cliques. :biggrin: I did, however, try to stay away from cheerleaders. :bubble:


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
This poll reminds me of the tards crying on the Jenny Jones show about how they were picked on on school and wanted to confront their bullies. :roflmao: People who still harbor those feelings from school need to get a life.

I don't know anyone who wasn't picked on in school at one time or another, including myself. Boo hoo...:bawl:

I gave back as good as I got though. :boxing:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by migtig
... Of course I was related to more than half the school and the graduating class was only 300, ...
Made the dating pool a bit shallow, huh?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Sharon
People who still harbor those feelings from school need to get a life.
Serious. I was a brainiac so I made friends with all the big dumb tough girls. They passed their classes, I didn't get picked on. :cool:


I got along with everyone mostly because I was painfully shy. I would barely speak so I got along with everyone. About 4 years ago I worked with one of the guys I went to school with. He is like we couldn't get you to speak unless we stepped on your toes and now you are a chatterbox. I also went to private school and there weren't any real bullies anyhow.


New Member
Originally posted by nomoney
okay; with the current situations on the board I figured I'd do a poll on the subject and maybe get to know you guys a little better. (Or at least understand where you're coming from).:biggrin:
So what I want to know is ; back in the school days were you a bully or were you the one being picked on?

Nomoney. You should have added another choice...

* I was the one who through themselves in the mix when I saw someone being picked on.(superman complex).



Gee, a no brainer there.............

I took a lot of heat in school for obvious reasons but quickly learned that people are like cue balls, the harder you hit them, the more action you get out of them.



b*tch rocket
I pretty much got along with everyone in high school with the exception of one girl, who's boyfriend was my neighbor. She always threatened to beat me up. :rolleyes: She never did. I think she was afraid I'd break her gigantic witch nose. :boxing:

Up until about a year ago, I've always been fairly nice to everyone. I think as I've grown older, my tolerence for stupidity has simply decreased. Or maybe it's just early onset of menopause. :yikes: :shrug:


Well-Known Member
I was in fights all the time, neighborhood and school, up until the fourth grade, where I became more passive and refused to fight, even though I was the biggest and tallest kid in class. This kept on through junior high. High school was a relief - I don't think anyone cared about bullying anyone, there were too many other things to do.


Being 5'4" since forever, I was picked on constantly. Learned to defend myself quite well out of necessity. Survival.:biggrin:


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by migtig
and the graduating class was only 300, so not that difficult I guess.

Shuh! You must've grown up in the city. My graduating class was 30! :razz2:


Originally posted by Sharon
Mine was over 700.

Mine was a large class too. Around 550. Probably got picked on by 100 of them, fought 50 of those, won about 75% of the remaining, and two of those I just plain ole got sick of them and kicked their a$$. Nowadays I've gotten rid of all that anger and have just mellowed out. :cool:
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