Bumper Sticker



Yes this is a Dem bumpersticker... but still funny even if you are a republican.... I saw this on the way in this morning

Democrats are HOT
Have you ever heard the expression "nice peice of elephant?"

not that I like me or my party to be called an azz... but it did make me laugh :killingme: :killingme:


Not dead yet.
dems4me said:
Yes this is a Dem bumpersticker... but still funny even if you are a republican.... I saw this on the way in this morning

Democrats are HOT
Have you ever heard the expression "nice peice of elephant?"

not that I like me or my party to be called an azz... but it did make me laugh :killingme: :killingme:

Wanna see the trunk?


another bumper sticker I saw coming into work this morning (and because I'm tired of seeing happy B-Day to chasey for this category :lol: )

I was behind an SUV this morning that said "Annoy a Democrat" Well needless to say - I was annoyed by him (and other non-drivers enroute) ... misson accomplished!!! :clap: