Bunny Ranch is having Its Girls Dress up as Game of Thrones Characters


Lawful neutral

Watching Game of Thrones on television is fun, but sometimes you want to truly experience the magic of being in the show. How many times have you stared off into the distance and thought “man, I would really like to do that naked walk of shame Cersei did without using a body double?” Good news: Thanks to The Bunny Ranch, you can make all of those fantasies (and more) come true. For an extra fee, you can even have your sexual activities spied on by the people running the place!

“Every Sunday, I invite the girls to my house for a Game Of Thrones watching party, and the storylines often end up carrying over into our bedroom activities. We enjoy having our own afterparty, and I want to share that experience with the clients of my brothels who also happen to be fans of the show.”


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