Burger King in the Park



What the heck is going on with the burger king on Great Mills road? I went to get a whopper today and the place was all dug up and stuff.

Went to McDonalds and got a Big and Tasty instead, I guess they didnt say "what" it tasted like :barf:

On a good note the girl at the drive through window actually smiled and said thank you, a first for the McDonalds in the Park.
burger king

BK is now open and completely remodelled, the people are even saying hi and thanxs, wow, while it was closed I also went to Mcdonalds, they did say thank you, only when I got home, i found no meat on the big mac, so off to the web I went and lets just say the corp HQ made up for it....good eatings


Football season!
Re: burger king

Originally posted by David196042
I also went to Mcdonalds, they did say thank you, only when I got home, i found no meat on the big mac

At some point you have to ask yourself.. What is more important.. A greeting or hamburger..


With these dietary habits, your all going to die from impacted colons! Eat Soy Nuts!


I have a real nice knuckle sandwich for you Mister!

This is gonna be one of those days I regret having to work... I can tell already!


You're all F'in Mad...
Re: burger king

Originally posted by David196042
BK is now open and completely remodelled, the people are even saying hi and thanxs, wow, while it was closed I also went to Mcdonalds, they did say thank you, only when I got home, i found no meat on the big mac, so off to the web I went and lets just say the corp HQ made up for it....good eatings

What does McDonalds Corporate do for a Mac without Meat? Send you a $2 gift certificate?


New Member
I seem to be emailing the people upstairs of the nice big corporate buildings more and more often. The McDonalds in Lexington Park down from Gate 2 sucks. I waited once for almost 5 minutes just for a large coke. The inside wasn't busy and neither was drive thru! I have NEVER had to wait that long in drive thru for anything, let alone a stupid coke! I've had really rude people inside and at the drive thru but the last time I was there I had a face to face with the manager. I had very little cash one day, and was hungry so I jumped in there for a Big Mac. Not only was there no meat (must be a trend there or something) but there was no center bun. I threw the bag at the cashier and screamed "Are you people THIS dense?" and the manager asked what was going on. I explained to him what I ordered and what I got and he just looked at me like I was in the wrong. I told him I wanted my meal, my money back, and certificates so I could go to the McDonalds in San Souci from now on. He gave me another BigMac and my money back but told me they were out of the certificate's. I refuse to eat there because I know from friends that the same people still work there. Service that bad should be highly frowned upon and something needs to be done about it. These people need people skill training. If I ever treated the people I deal with on a daily basis like the way people at fast food places (the bad ones) treat people I wouldn't have a job!

Arby's hands down. Service and food is top notch.


How the pull starts deal with it

ABU DHABI — Saudi Arabia has declared an alert and bolstered security around Western installations after a gunman set fire to a U.S.-owned McDonald's restaurant near Riyadh that stayed open during the daytime Ramadan fasting period.

Saudi officials said an unidentified gunman torched the McDonald's restaurant in Al Kharj 80 kilometers south of Riyadh. They said the gunman fled and nobody was injured.

The United States maintains a military presence in several parts of the kingdom, including Al Kharj. About 3,000 U.S. soldiers and thousands of other of civilian employees are based in Saudi Arabia.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Re: Re: burger king

Originally posted by Nodnarb
What does McDonalds Corporate do for a Mac without Meat? Send you a $2 gift certificate?
And a 10% discount on Angioplasty


Ok the Burger King opens at 6 AM, I start work at 6:30. So I go to the drive through at about 6:10, sit behind another car for about 5 minutes finally he gets pissed and drives up to the window to try to get his order taken, sits there 5 minutes and drives off. Im still sitting at the place you shout your order into thinking damn what is going on.....couple minutes later I drive off and say to hell with it. As I was leaving the parking lot the 2 cars behind me were doing the same thing. So basically its the SOS (same old sh__) with a new wrapper.


You're all F'in Mad...
Good lord... As if from the dietary consequences aren't enough, why do you guys put yourself through this stuff with these fast food places...???