

professional daydreamer
desertrat said:
N. Town Creek area. Neighbor had a chain saw and scanner stolen from his garage during the day on Tues.

Did he leave the garage door open?


New Member
desertrat said:
N. Town Creek area. Neighbor had a chain saw and scanner stolen from his garage during the day on Tues.

Its prb sitting at the pawn shop by now.. mmm im in need of a saw!


Well-Known Member
What street does he live on?!!

Crap! I've lost a lot of stuff over the years.
I guess they're at it again!
It's really infuriating! :cussing:


professional daydreamer
desertrat said:
I know I've seen it open and he did say it wasn't locked.

Well, there ya' go. Locks were made to keep people out and private property safe. We had the same thing happen in our neighborhood. People who have no desire to make an honest living will not hesitate to take advantage of those who do.
elaine said:
Well, there ya' go. Locks were made to keep people out and private property safe. We had the same thing happen in our neighborhood. People who have no desire to make an honest living will not hesitate to take advantage of those who do.
It'll be pretty funny if they go back for anything else. He's going to let his Rotty stay in there during the day. And he's not nice. :lmao:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
desertrat said:
I know I've seen it open and he did say it wasn't locked.

The garage door wasn't open, but the door going into the garage was unlocked.


"Fluffy world destroyer"
desertrat said:
I know I've seen it open and he did say it wasn't locked.
Lock are for honest people. If a crook wants what you have a lock won't stop them.
BS Gal said:
I'm guessing he won't leave it unlocked again.
I now have the blowgun hooked up to the air compressor tank which is hooked to the trip valve which will be actuated by the door opening. And you said I didn't need that stuff. :lmao:
Oh, yeah, be careful when you come home.


desertrat said:
I now have the blowgun hooked up to the air compressor tank which is hooked to the trip valve which will be actuated by the door opening. And you said I didn't need that stuff. :lmao:
Oh, yeah, be careful when you come home.


BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
desertrat said:
I now have the blowgun hooked up to the air compressor tank which is hooked to the trip valve which will be actuated by the door opening. And you said I didn't need that stuff. :lmao:
Oh, yeah, be careful when you come home.
Thanks for the warning........ :huggy:


desertrat said:
N. Town Creek area. Neighbor had a chain saw and scanner stolen from his garage during the day on Tues.

My brother had his car broken into in Town Creek. Probably just some little punks.

Oh and locks really do no good...if the punks want it bad enough they will get it. My motorcycle was stolen and it has a wheel lock. The punks picked it up and took...and then had the nerve to get a key made. It was recovered...in WALDORF!!!!


New Member
Y'all can thank your local drug addict-bastages-when was the last time you heard about someone stealing for food?