bush bad policy #1


New Member

John Kerry and John Edwards Have a Plan To End Tax Breaks For Companies That Ship Jobs Overseas

George Bush and his administration believe that outsourcing creates jobs in America. Before he was Treasury Secretary, John Snow's company outsourced jobs to India and the Philippines. Last year, George Bush tried to appoint a Manufacturing Czar who had outsourced jobs. And now Bush economic officials consistently defend outsourcing as the central part of their economic plan.

Bush economic officials consistently defend tax breaks for companies that outsource jobs. And they have even pushed for more tax breaks for companies that export our jobs - to be paid for by raising taxes on companies that export our products and create American jobs. This is a failed plan for America that would take us in the wrong direction.

John Kerry and John Edwards have a different plan. They will end the tax breaks that encourage companies to ship jobs overseas and use the savings to reward companies that create jobs in America. Under their plan, 99 percent of companies will pay lower taxes - but no company will pay lower taxes just because it creates jobs overseas.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Did you know that only 2% of all the jobs lost during the past four years were outsourced? :confused:

Seems to me that outsourcing is only a big deal to the anti-Bush camp.


Sparx said:

John Kerry and John Edwards Have a Plan To End Tax Breaks For Companies That Ship Jobs Overseas

George Bush and his administration believe that outsourcing creates jobs in America. Before he was Treasury Secretary, John Snow's company outsourced jobs to India and the Philippines. Last year, George Bush tried to appoint a Manufacturing Czar who had outsourced jobs. And now Bush economic officials consistently defend outsourcing as the central part of their economic plan.

Bush economic officials consistently defend tax breaks for companies that outsource jobs. And they have even pushed for more tax breaks for companies that export our jobs - to be paid for by raising taxes on companies that export our products and create American jobs. This is a failed plan for America that would take us in the wrong direction.

John Kerry and John Edwards have a different plan. They will end the tax breaks that encourage companies to ship jobs overseas and use the savings to reward companies that create jobs in America. Under their plan, 99 percent of companies will pay lower taxes - but no company will pay lower taxes just because it creates jobs overseas.



I bowl overhand
Sparx said:

John Kerry and John Edwards Have a Plan To End Tax Breaks For Companies That Ship Jobs Overseas

George Bush and his administration believe that outsourcing creates jobs in America. Before he was Treasury Secretary, John Snow's company outsourced jobs to India and the Philippines. Last year, George Bush tried to appoint a Manufacturing Czar who had outsourced jobs. And now Bush economic officials consistently defend outsourcing as the central part of their economic plan.

Bush economic officials consistently defend tax breaks for companies that outsource jobs. And they have even pushed for more tax breaks for companies that export our jobs - to be paid for by raising taxes on companies that export our products and create American jobs. This is a failed plan for America that would take us in the wrong direction.

John Kerry and John Edwards have a different plan. They will end the tax breaks that encourage companies to ship jobs overseas and use the savings to reward companies that create jobs in America. Under their plan, 99 percent of companies will pay lower taxes - but no company will pay lower taxes just because it creates jobs overseas.

The Dems can say what they want.. but there "PLAN" is going to cost an additional +86 Billion dollars a year, and how do you suppose they are going to raise this additional money?? THe same way they ALWAYS do.. rape the defense budget, and the military.. then raise YOUR taxes.. GREAT plan.. NOT!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
This is why...

...Kerry wasted all our time with Viet Nam in his convention; he has NO plans for the future and he has NO record to suggest otherwise.

Everyone on the far left has taken this ABB stuff to heart, that hatred alone is enough to win but now, as the day approaches, folks in the middle are starting to tune in and try to get an idea of what Kerry has to offer.

It will be interesting whether tax cuts and a steadily improving economy is good enough or if moderates can make heads or tails of Kerry and Edwards.


New Member

The Bush administration has appointed officials that outsource jobs and continue to defend the outsourcing of jobs as an important way to create jobs in America. They have never once considered ending these breaks. In fact, every time they consider any changes in international taxation, it is to give more tax breaks for companies that move jobs and investment overseas. And they have even said that we should consider paying for these new tax breaks by raising taxes on companies that export U.S. products.
How can this be a good thing?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Econ 101

How can this be a good thing?

If company A, say, Heinz Foods for the hell of it, can have ketchup manufactured or bottled or boxed or whatever cheaper overseas, say Mexico, by enough of a margin that they cannot stay competitive in their marketplace UNLESS they do it...they will do it.

It is better that the company be a US company with overseas interests than it is for Heinz to simply move overseas and have US interests.

It is good, globally, from the standpoint that the global economy will create a global middleclass which will in turn be able to afford, like our middle class, to worry, in time, about things like the environment, the future of their children and population issues.

We get the good jobs, importing the ketchup back into the US, distributing, marketing and retailing AND ownership. The hard work is done by people who will do it cheaper than we can justify.

The downside is there are less good jobs than their are crap jobs. This why immigration needs to be controlled. We don't want people coming here to do jobs best sent to their homelands.

Kerry is being disingenuous about global economic facts of life. He's just relying on people to be too stupid to understand. Protecting jobs sounds good but protectionism is always a short term band aid while people adjust to reality.

You wanna pay double for ketchup? Want to pay double for all your groceries? Clothes? Household goods?


New Member
Kerry is being disingenuous about global economic facts of life. He's just relying on people to be too stupid to understand.

Too stupid to understand. That's exactly the game the bush camp is playing with so many people in this country who will follow the president no matter what he does so blindly they are afraid to research the truth for themselves. Scare them with terror alerts, claim he inherited a recession and didn't create it with his own policies, go to war over lies about WMD's..etc..etc..etc
Wait until later in this campaign when you see how the bush camp's security force beat and molested people in Florida at a rally to bring the truth about outsourcing of jobs to light. I've seen the film it is outragous that the conservatively controlled congress won't allow a hearing on what happened down there just a couple of months ago. :patriot:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...I'm not sure from your post if you got it or not about losing jobs?

As far as the rest...

Scare us with terror alerts? This after the lefts screaming he didn't warn us about 9/11?

He DID inherit a recession. You can look that up. Of course, maybe the tech stock bubble never burst either?

War over lies? You are truly, honestly upset that an enemy of the United States, was able to hide stockpiles of weapons? You can look up what President Clinton had to say about Iraq and WMD. Is he lying to?

Wait until later in this campaign when you see how the bush camp's security force beat and molested people in Florida at a rally to bring the truth about outsourcing of jobs to light. I've seen the film it is outragous that the conservatively controlled congress won't allow a hearing on what happened down there just a couple of months ago

So, people were standing around lawfully and peacefully, explaining the economic reality of losing jobs to global economic pressures as being a fact of life in a free nation and 'Bush Security Forces' (que Darth Vader theme) started 'a whompin and 'a ridin'???


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Sparx said:
Wait until later in this campaign when you see how the bush camp's security force beat and molested people in Florida at a rally to bring the truth about outsourcing of jobs to light. I've seen the film it is outragous that the conservatively controlled congress won't allow a hearing on what happened down there just a couple of months ago. :patriot:

How late we gonna wait? You're getting into the 11th hour...


Super Genius
I think you made a few errors there...
Sparx said:
claim he inherited a recession and didn't create it with his own policies
Look at a plot of the Dow Jones Industrial average starting in 92 and ending now. There is a massive upward trend that stops when? ~1999...isn't that before Bush was elected? I'm surprised were not a whole lot lower than we are. Market corrections can be a beotch.

Oh yeah, and I'm still waiting on which taxes are sending jobs overseas.


b*tch rocket
Sparx said:

The Bush administration has appointed officials that outsource jobs and continue to defend the outsourcing of jobs as an important way to create jobs in America. They have never once considered ending these breaks. In fact, every time they consider any changes in international taxation, it is to give more tax breaks for companies that move jobs and investment overseas. And they have even said that we should consider paying for these new tax breaks by raising taxes on companies that export U.S. products.
How can this be a good thing?

I would have to say, in my experience, "outsourcing" has saved more jobs in this country than it has lost.

Lets say Ford motor company wants to sell Sweden a whole bunch of new Ford Vehicles. The Swedish government comes back and says, "yeah, okay, we'll buy $25 million worth of Ford vehicles, BUT, we want half of those Fords manufactured in our country, so it builds our economy and provides jobs, we'll buy the other half directly from Detroit".

Is this outsourcing? Yep. Is that a good deal for the US economy? You bet your butt it is. We live in a global economy. Get used to it Chicken Little's. I'm all for the Bush administration looking into overseas investment opportunities. It benefits everyone. And besides, I thought all you libs were all for "spreading the wealth".


The tax breaks come from what is called "unrepatriated earnings." This is money that is made overseas that is retained and reinvested overseas, without ever returning to the US. US businesses pay no tax on this money. Also, US companies receive tax credits for taxes paid to foreign governments. Heinz, for example, owns numerous plants overseas. If they make $10 million dollars, they are taxed at the US corporate tax rate of 35%, or $3,500,000 dollars. If Heinz had to pay the host country's government a tax, say $2,000,000, then Heinz would get a tax credit of $2,000,000 and would pay the IRS only $1,500,000.

This only benefits companies if the host country charges a lower tax rate than the US, and most don't. Also, most companies who do business overseas have to build factories and generate jobs at the local level due to local government policies and competitiveness. For example, a bottle of ketchup made in Greece would cost 1000 Drachmas. But a bottle made in the USA and exported to Greece, with shipping, customs, taxes, and duties payed might cost 5000 Drachmas... and wouldn't be bought.

The real question is: Is it better to get the 1.5 million dollars with the tax credit, or to get zero dollars due to no sales overseas?