Bush Campaign Lawyer Tied to Group's Anti-Kerry Ads


Football addict
CRAWFORD, Texas (Reuters) - A top lawyer for President Bush (news - web sites)'s re-election campaign has been providing legal advice to the group that has accused Democrat John Kerry (news - web sites) of lying about his Vietnam War record, informed sources said on Tuesday.

Bush said on Monday the Swift Boat ads should be stopped along with others run by independent groups. He said Kerry should be proud of his war service.


This election takes a different turn each day.


Well-Known Member
I still think there's a big difference between having staff appear on both groups and what the Democrats did at least until this spring, which was to actually coordinate protests and functions WITH the 527's.

That said, I agree with Bush, that 527's are bad for the system.


Super Genius
News Flash! Lawyers have multiple clients. That's not illegal!

It would be illegal if the Bush campaign paid for the lawyer to help them.


Super Genius
Here's a better article...
Ginsberg contends that by offering legal advice to both the Bush campaign and the Swift Boat group, he has done nothing different than other election lawyers in Washington, including attorneys for Kerry and the Democratic National Committee who have also advised soft-money groups. Representing campaigns, parties and outside groups simultaneously is legal and allowed under the law and by the FEC, he said.


Enjoying life!
This really is not unusual if you think about it. By having the same legal councel for the candidate and the 527, the lawyer can help both groups stay within compliance of the FEC regulations. The lawyer can act as arbitrator in a sense. Of course, he can also be the middleman who passes directives back and forth. :lol:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Another sterling example of the Democrat double-standard - "We can do what we want. If YOU, however, do the same thing, we're going to smear you in the media and make a very large deal out of it!"



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
ylexot said:
Next thing you know the Dems will find that one of the SVs has a brother whose doctor went to med school with the White House physician.


Robert Samuelson had a great column in the Post today:

The presidential campaign has confirmed that, under the guise of "campaign finance reform," Congress and the Supreme Court have repealed large parts of the First Amendment.

Normally I hate this guy but he's right on target here. However, I must take issue with:
the Bush campaign similarly wants the FEC to suppress the pro-Democrat 527 groups.
Bush actually disparaged ALL 527 groups, not just Democrat ones. And here's Bush's weeniness coming to bite him in the ass - he caved and denounced 527s like the Democrats demanded, now they're saying he's hampering free speech by doing that. :dur:

And while I'm venting about our POTUS, HE'S THE ONE WHO SIGNED THE STUPID CAMPAIGN FINANCE CRAP INTO LAW IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!! What the hell did he THINK would happen?


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
vraiblonde said:
Next thing you know the Dems will find that one of the SVs has a brother whose doctor went to med school with the White House physician.


Robert Samuelson had a great column in the Post today:

The presidential campaign has confirmed that, under the guise of "campaign finance reform," Congress and the Supreme Court have repealed large parts of the First Amendment.

Normally I hate this guy but he's right on target here. However, I must take issue with:
Bush actually disparaged ALL 527 groups, not just Democrat ones. And here's Bush's weeniness coming to bite him in the ass - he caved and denounced 527s like the Democrats demanded, now they're saying he's hampering free speech by doing that. :dur:

And while I'm venting about our POTUS, HE'S THE ONE WHO SIGNED THE STUPID CAMPAIGN FINANCE CRAP INTO LAW IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!! What the hell did he THINK would happen?
I thought the 527 thing was a clause in the campaign finance crap that was written in there for some other purpose, but someone saw it as a loophole and twisted it and contorted it until it showed up as groups like moveon.org and the Swift Boat group. :confused: