Super Genius
President Bush last night ripped the Democratic Party as do-nothing obstructionists bent on derailing his reform agenda, saying that on issue after issue, Democratic leaders in Congress 'stand for nothing except obstruction, and this is not leadership.'
There are some awesome zings in the article...

There are some awesome zings in the article...
ZING!'I was hoping that Governor Dean could make it tonight,' Mr. Frist said of the former Vermont governor. 'But sadly, he's too busy to make it. He's too busy helping us expand the Republican majority.'

ZING!'It is not enough to be against everything: What are their ideas' While Republicans are working to meet the needs of the American people, the Democrats are in meetings to figure out what the heck to do with Howard Dean.' To laughter and applause, Mr. Hastert delivered the punch line: 'And between you and I, they might have the tougher challenge.'