Bush/Kerry Medicare Commercial


But wait, there's more...
I just got this via email ... can one of you political gurus tell me if you're knowledgeable of this? Is it accurate? :shrug:

Before you jump to conclusions, read this, and have a great day! Have you seen the John Kerry commercial in which George Bush pledges to help Seniors on Medicare and "the very next day imposes a 17% premium increase - the biggest in history"?

That add is a stroke of genius on Kerry's part and will surely gain him
many votes among the uninformed. ++++ I found it so amazing that I did
some homework on the issue. As it turns out the 17% increase was not
imposed by President Bush but was mandated by the "balanced budget
agreement" signed by President Clinton, voted into law by Senator John
Kerry, and was scheduled to come into effect during the Bush
administration. President Bush had no authority to reverse what had been
voted into law by Senator Kerry during the Clinton administration. ++++++
Once again Kerry is counting on the ignorance of the American people.