I'm sure Ann Coulter will be pleased...So consistently conservative, Alito has been dubbed "Scalito" or "Scalia-lite" by some lawyers because his judicial philosophy invites comparisons to conservative Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. But while Scalia is outspoken and is known to badger lawyers, Alito is polite, reserved and even-tempered.
One outraged Republican strategist claimed, “If Alito were a liberal there would be no way Democrats and Washington’s media elite would use such a ethnically insensitive nickname. Italian-Americans should not have to face these types of derogatory racial slurs in 21st century America.”
Typical politics, everything boils down to 3rd grade name calling.ylexot said:MEDIA/DNC NICKNAME 'SCALITO' SEEN AS ETHNICALLY INSENSITIVEWhat's "ethnically insensitive" about it? How is "Scalito" a derogatory racial slur?
That Republican strategist needs to get a life. I saw him refered to as "Scalito" (and even quoted it) and saw it for exactly what it is...the combination of the names Scalia and Alito to mean that Alito has a conservative ideology similar to Scalia's. BFD. Actually, I thought it was quite clever.
Bustem' Down said:Typical politics, everything boils down to 3rd grade name calling.![]()
FromTexas said:That was my favorite third grade insult, "You are so ethnically insensitive! Take that!"
That sounds good to me..."Sam Alito is in my mind the strongest candidate on the list," says Pepperdine law Prof. Douglas Kmiec. "I know them all . . . but I think Sam is a standout because he's a judge's judge. He approaches cases with impartiality and open-mindedness."
Hmmm, not sure I like the way that sounds. I'd rather not have an activist judge on the SCOTUS even if they are a conservative activist judge. I guess I'd have to see some examples of what Lustberg considers "activist". I'm sure the Dems will find some for us...Lawrence Lustberg, a New Jersey criminal defense lawyer who has known Alito since 1981 and tried cases before him on the Third Circuit, describes him as "an activist conservatist judge" who is tough on crime and narrowly construes prisoners' and criminals' rights. "He's very prosecutorial from the bench. He has looked to be creative in his conservatism, which is, I think, as much a Rehnquist as a Scalia trait," Lustberg says.
He is a voracious reader with a particular love for biographies and history.
Bustem' Down said:Well, you have to jazz it up so people still think you intelligent.
ylexot said:Interesting article on Alito...Samuel Alito Jr. That sounds good to me... Hmmm, not sure I like the way that sounds. I'd rather not have an activist judge on the SCOTUS even if they are a conservative activist judge. I guess I'd have to see some examples of what Lustberg considers "activist". I'm sure the Dems will find some for us...![]()
Ted, you so silly! :silly:"Rather than selecting a nominee for the good of the nation and the court, President Bush has picked a nominee whom he hopes will stop the massive hemorrhaging of support on his right wing. This is a nomination based on weakness, not strength." _ Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass.
With the announcement of a new Supreme Court nominee expected as early as today, Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the Democratic leader, warned President Bush on Sunday not to pick one of the candidates said to be on the president's short list, Judge Samuel A. Alito Jr.
FromTexas said:I still wonder how much Miers was intentionally placed that way to make room for a true conservative. The Dems will scream now, but the American population has been worn out on listening to Supereme Court politics. They want sports to start the news! They don't f'ing care anymore! Go, go team Republican!
ylexot said:I wonder if Bush chose Alito because Reid told him not to...
Lenny said:Don't you just KNOW the Democrats will see that conspiracy in this nomination. "Bush listened to Reid and nominated an unqualified crony for the job knowing full well he would have to withdraw that nomination. By stirring up a tempest in a teapot, he caused the Democrats to appear like latter-day whiners over his second nomination." Just another diabolical VRWC.
ylexot said:MEDIA/DNC NICKNAME 'SCALITO' SEEN AS ETHNICALLY INSENSITIVEWhat's "ethnically insensitive" about it? How is "Scalito" a derogatory racial slur?
That Republican strategist needs to get a life. I saw him refered to as "Scalito" (and even quoted it) and saw it for exactly what it is...the combination of the names Scalia and Alito to mean that Alito has a conservative ideology similar to Scalia's. BFD. Actually, I thought it was quite clever.
ylexot said:I was watching Fox last night and they had some guy on saying that he didn't like Alito becuase Alito doesn't believe in an "evolutionary" Constitution...
Alito has my approval!![]()
I believe in an evolutionary Constitution...it can/should evolve by the amendment process defined in the Constitution!