bush ratings


New Member
According To The Polls - THe latest ABC News/Washington Post Polls shows that 52 percent of Americans don't believe the President is doing a good job. This is the highest disapproval rate by this poll since the beginning of his presidency. President Clinton scored a full twenty points above better on the day he was impeached.
:patriot: :kiss:


New Member
Sparx said:
According To The Polls - THe latest ABC News/Washington Post Polls shows that 52 percent of Americans don't believe the President is doing a good job. This is the highest disapproval rate by this poll since the beginning of his presidency. President Clinton scored a full twenty points above better on the day he was impeached.
:patriot: :kiss:

Having people like you has nothing to do with if you are doing the right thing or not. Too many people watch/believe way too much crap that they see on TV. If all I focused on everyday was the negative reports from Iraq, the bad news about the economy, and whatever else is bad enought to make the news headlines then I would probably think he was doing a bad job too.


Sparx said:
According To The Polls - THe latest ABC News/Washington Post Polls shows that 52 percent of Americans don't believe the President is doing a good job. This is the highest disapproval rate by this poll since the beginning of his presidency. President Clinton scored a full twenty points above better on the day he was impeached.
:patriot: :kiss:

I heard his approval ratting was less than that this morning and only 35% of America thinks that this country is headed in the right direction. It was on WTOP this morning :shrug:


This Space for Rent
Sparx said:
According To The Polls - THe latest ABC News/Washington Post Polls shows that 52 percent of Americans don't believe the President is doing a good job. This is the highest disapproval rate by this poll since the beginning of his presidency. President Clinton scored a full twenty points above better on the day he was impeached.
:patriot: :kiss:

Maybe he won't win re-election.. Oh wait! He did.


Football season!
I bet korea, iran, etc are shaking in their boots. They all know what happens when the president's ratings start to slide!


SmallTown said:
I bet korea, iran, etc are shaking in their boots. They all know what happens when the president's ratings start to slide!

Yeah, it might come to the point where Bush just says, "Screw it! No more Mr. Nice Guy. Everybody hates me anyway, I might as well enjoy it!".

And then he'll be a mushroom cloud laying mother ####er, mother ####er.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Pretty good evidence...

Sparx said:
According To The Polls - THe latest ABC News/Washington Post Polls shows that 52 percent of Americans don't believe the President is doing a good job. This is the highest disapproval rate by this poll since the beginning of his presidency. President Clinton scored a full twenty points above better on the day he was impeached.
:patriot: :kiss:

...that 'the latest polls' are a poor barometer as to good Presidents and ones that suck, wouldn't you say?


Larry Gude said:
...that 'the latest polls' are a poor barometer as to good Presidents and ones that suck, wouldn't you say?

If polls were such poor barometers why do people still use them? Why does the forums have polls :shrug:


dems4me said:
If polls were such poor barometers why do people still use them? Why does the forums have polls :shrug:

Cause they're fun for the people that take them, and they give statisticians something to do between thumb-up-the-butt marathons.


Lovin' being Texican
dems4me said:
If polls were such poor barometers why do people still use them? Why does the forums have polls :shrug:

Because it is still a multi-million dollar industry who can sell their product to any losers willing to pay the price. As we now see happening for MSM and DNC. Wonder how long they can keep paying the way Dean keeps losing contributors and MSM is losing market share.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
dems4me said:
If polls were such poor barometers why do people still use them? Why does the forums have polls :shrug:
You live in the wrong place dems. You will never ever convince a group of republicans that a republican president is no good or doing the wrong thing, or vise versa. That's why I don't really waste the effort.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Bustem' Down said:
You live in the wrong place dems. You will never ever convince a group of republicans that a republican president is no good or doing the wrong thing, or vise versa. That's why I don't really waste the effort.
Hey, we just took a poll on YOUR popularity....wanna see if you're right or wrong about the issues?

Approval ratings are irrelevant, and I'm far more suspicious of polls that go above 60% than than anything else.....especially when 60% didn't VOTE for him. Popularity has nothing to do with whether you're doing the right thing or not - and usually, doing the right thing means a lot of people won't like you. That's why it's so hard to do the right thing.


I have a very high opinion of Bush, I like the President too.


Bustem' Down said:
You live in the wrong place dems. You will never ever convince a group of republicans that a republican president is no good or doing the wrong thing, or vise versa. That's why I don't really waste the effort.

I do so hate generalities. I seem to recall quite a few Republicans on this site damning Bush, Lott, Powell, Rumsfeld, and others quite a few times over the years (I think that Dick Cheney is about the only guy's who's not been damned that I can recall). I don't like a lot of the things that Bush has done, but that's different from saying I think he's a bad President.

You'll likely not find many Republicans who will say that Bush is no good as President because compared to other Presidents, Bush isn't doing a bad job at all. The economy is stable, tax revenues are up, we're finally confronting our demons IRT terrorism, and we're finally done paying black mail to keep peace in the Middle East. That stacks up extremely well against any President since Reagan.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Sorry folks, I didn't have a :sarcasm: button when I last posted. :lol:

Never been concerned about my popularity sam. And I don't believe in polls either. They're just a tool to keep people watching and listening to the news in my opinion.

I think that Cheny has never been damned because really what has he done?


New Member
Sparx said:
According To The Polls - The latest ABC News/Washington Post Polls shows that 52 percent of Americans don't believe the President is doing a good job. This is the highest disapproval rate by this poll since the beginning of his presidency. President Clinton scored a full twenty points above better on the day he was impeached. :patriot: :kiss:
Nuff said.... :popcorn: And boy our economy sux..... steady 3.5% growth (this mornings news, all channels). Bush sure is doing a HORRIBLE job!! I see why so many dissapprove. :sarcasm: :duh:
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Lovin' being Texican
Mikeinsmd said:
Nuff said.... :popcorn: And boy our economy sux..... steady 3.5% growth (this mornings news, all channels). Bush sure is doing a HORRIBLE job!! I see why so many dissapprove. :sarcasm: :duh:

Of course people disapprove of his performance! He only give 100% of the taxpaying public one refund in his first year. He only got a temporary tax cut for the taxpayers. With a performance like that, no wonder the taxpayers are upset.