Bush says he would like to close Guantanamo


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Most of the prisoners at Gitmo ARE NOT US citizens, so I would love to know why they merit a civil trial and what the hell the Supreme Court has to do with anything.



:Jeepin' in NC:
vraiblonde said:
Most of the prisoners at Gitmo ARE NOT US citizens, so I would love to know why they merit a civil trial and what the hell the Supreme Court has to do with anything.

Human-rights groups have accused the United States of mistreating Guantanamo detainees through cruel interrogation methods, a charge denied by the U.S. government.
They also criticize the indefinite detention of suspects captured since the military prison was opened in 2002 at the U.S. naval base in Cuba, as part of the Bush administration's war on terrorism.
"They will get their day in court. One can't say that of the people that they killed. They didn't give these people the opportunity for a fair trial."

Waaa Waa we treat them bad, so lets make up for it and give them a trial!!


New Member
Somdmommy said:
Human-rights groups have accused the United States of mistreating Guantanamo detainees through cruel interrogation methods, a charge denied by the U.S. government.
Yea, we made them listen to rock music for a day. :duh:

They wanna see cruel?? Send me one of those bastards for a day. :burning:


New Member
Can't we stick all the prisoners on a deserted island and make a reality show out of it?

Anyone got a valid email addy for Mark Burnett?


:Jeepin' in NC:
slotted said:
Can't we stick all the prisoners on a deserted island and make a reality show out of it?

Anyone got a valid email addy for Mark Burnett?
That would be one reality show I would watch!!!


Would THIS face lie?
Mikeinsmd said:
Yea, we made them listen to rock music for a day. :duh:

They wanna see cruel?? Send me one of those bastards for a day. :burning:

And just what would you do with him? :shocking: :killingme

I say put hem in our prisons so all our prisoners can have their own bit(h.. :lmao:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
This'll pizz you off...

vraiblonde said:
Most of the prisoners at Gitmo ARE NOT US citizens, so I would love to know why they merit a civil trial and what the hell the Supreme Court has to do with anything.

...it is because enough of a rucus has been raised about it for a long enough time that the violence inflicted by OBL and the national threats of Saddam have passed far enough into the past that Gitmo can start reaching squeeky wheel status where a number of people who have been abused and detained without cause can now be discussed without the backdrop of national emergency which otherwise precludes the niceties of how much we have to normally go through in our due process systems.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Yah gotta love it...

willie said:
Make it a labor camp and grow sugar cane for ethanol.

...when threads start to cross in the name of very good ideas.

What could be better than making oil nation maniacs who want to kill us because we are in their nations BECAUSE of our oil interests end up helping us get off the oil...and leave dey azz alone? Everybody is happy!


Since they are POW's I don't understand why they wouldnt have a trial held by the military :confused: Is it because of all the Club-Gitmo drive-by media attention?


ok...well the Supreme Court better hold up their common sense duty to vote on making it a military court...