Bush to get smallpox vac.


endangered species
"WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush announced Friday that he is ordering 500,000 military personnel and others in high-risk parts of the world receive the smallpox vaccine. He said he will also receive the vaccine, which carries the risk of severe side effects, including death.

"As commander-in-chief, I do not believe I can ask others to accept this risk unless I am willing to do the same," Bush said. "Therefore I will receive the vaccine along with our military."

What's the big deal? Does the vaccine make one really sick, or something?

on edit: I found it- "The vaccine, although effective in preventing the disease, can cause reactions that range from a mild rash to high fever to death.

"Recent clinical trials found that 30 percent of the people immunized missed at least one day of work or school because of side effects. Historical data show that between 15 and 50 of every 1 million people vaccinated will suffer life-threatening complications and that one or two of them will die."
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
DemsforMD is licking his chops right now - "Can I watch you get the shot? Huh? Can I, can I?" :duh:


Football season!
I just hope the people who are really running the county (the VP and secretary of state) get the shot as well.. I mean, if we lose bush, we just lose a bunch of comic relief.. But lose those two, and we're in some major trouble.