Bush To Win


New Member

John Kerry took nine of 10 state contests on Super Tuesday, knocking John Edwards out of the race and locking up the Democratic presidential nomination. (AP)
Suppose the presidential election were tomorrow, who would you vote for?

Bush 51% => 6249 votes

Kerry 40% => 4875 votes

Other 3% => 458 votes

I'm not sure 3% => 379 votes

I don't care/I don't vote 1% => 172 votes
Current number of voters: 12133

The more Kerry talks the more the American people will realize that he continues to contradict himself. He has no foundation thus no definite stance on any matter. I predict a big win for Bush.


New Member
I predict a big win for Bush.

Hell, he didn't win last time but we are still stuck with him.

As far as contradictions....I remember Bush saying in the pres. debates before the last election that he didn't believe in using our troops for nation building or being occupying forces. That he wanted bi-partison efforts and would bring the two parties closer together.
Are the things he's really done contradictions or just outright lies to get elected?:confused:


New Member
Originally posted by Sparx
I predict a big win for Bush.

Hell, he didn't win last time but we are still stuck with him.

As far as contradictions....I remember Bush saying in the pres. debates before the last election that he didn't believe in using our troops for nation building or being occupying forces. That he wanted bi-partison efforts and would bring the two parties closer together.
Are the things he's really done contradictions or just outright lies to get elected?:confused:

I'm not sure about the things you remember from the presidental debates. Are you saying that he's using our troops to build Iraq. I don't see it that way. By taking away their former leader, their was an instability created. We must be responsible for maintaining some type of stability within the country until the elected government can regain control and deploy its own military. If we leave now, the country will fall back into a dictatorship. As for bi-partison efforts, Bush has done nothing to divide the parties. The fact that the Democrats in Congress are constantly trying to dig-up dirt to throw at him and that they try to make the White House responsible for everything that happens is a major problem. How can anyone create unity in that type of atmoshpere. After 4 more years, the fruits of his efforts will be much more visible.


Super Genius
Originally posted by Sparx
I predict a big win for Bush.

That he wanted bi-partison efforts and would bring the two parties closer together.
It takes two to tango.