But this is just a joke, right?



if you can't see it, it must not be there...so if someones holding a gun to the back of your head, the fact that you cant see it, means it isn't there and you won't die. Same goes for global warming right? you can't see it happening in your front yard so just ignore it and nothing happens. It's wonderful that those of you who doubt the possible and inevitable global warming don't care what the future holds for your children and grand children.



New Member
slaphappynmd said:
if you can't see it, it must not be there...so if someones holding a gun to the back of your head, the fact that you cant see it, means it isn't there and you won't die. Same goes for global warming right? you can't see it happening in your front yard so just ignore it and nothing happens. It's wonderful that those of you who doubt the possible and inevitable global warming don't care what the future holds for your children and grand children.



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Come on folks, let's talk about this. Let's talk about the effects of global warming. Let's see: longer summers, which means longer crop seasons, which means more food to eat not just for us but for cows and pigs and all those other meats we cruel carnivores love to slaughter for our dining enjoyment; did I mention longer summers? More swimming at beaches and pools, more fishing, etc... How about warmer winters? Who hates the cold? :howdy: I do, I do!!!! When are people more likely to get sick? You know with colds and the flu and such? IN THE WINTER! Less cold means less sick people means more productivity, not to mention we just feel better. Who wants to feel better? :howdy: I do, I do!!!! Did I mention longer summers? And people just feel better all around: less depression, less anger, less annoyance with shoveling snow and raking leaves and such... I don't know about you all, but that's just a good thing.

But, dang gone it! It's darn cold today for October 13, doncha think? I may not be able to see it, but I sure can feel it. And so can my electric bill!
I just received word that there were no kids on the bus.... no fatalities from the crash... they did fly two out tho, but EMT sources did not consider them to have life-threatening injuries. Traffic is flowing fine now.


Lovin' being Texican
PsyOps said:
Come on folks, let's talk about this. Let's talk about the effects of global warming.

But, but you forgot about biodiversity loss. I think that's called survival of the fittest and it leads to evolution. Right? At least that's what these azzholes want taught in our public schools.