Buy a house in 7th district?



I mentioned that I saw a house for sale in the 7th district that I may be interested in and my coworkers laughed, whats up with that?


Originally posted by czygvtwkr
I mentioned that I saw a house for sale in the 7th district that I may be interested in and my coworkers laughed, whats up with that?
The 7th is a nice area, but has it's bad places just like anywhere else. The snicker from the co-peep was probably because it's got a reputation for being redneck country.


Well-Known Member
Re: Re: Re: Buy a house in 7th district?

Originally posted by cariblue
So does the rest of southern maryland. :shrug: If you like the house and the area, you should jump on it. Keep in mind you'll be a long way from everything.
And after about a month you'll start talking funny.:biggrin:


Re: Re: Re: Buy a house in 7th district?

Originally posted by cariblue
So does the rest of southern maryland. :shrug: If you like the house and the area, you should jump on it. Keep in mind you'll be a long way from everything.
Oh I definitely agree it makes it no different from the rest, but for whatever reason people seem to dog it out more so then the rest. I'm from Good Ole 7 D, so I would never say it to be mean. I would move back there one day. The Bushwood area, Clements, and Chaptico are very nice areas.


The 7th District crap, is an old dead joke! Great place to live! Awesome Schools.. Great neighbors, the whole nine yards.

Tell your co-workers to cram-it! :wink:


Yo Gabba Gabba
I'd live in 7D anyday...It's so peaceful, plenty of room and like Kain said, great neighbors and good schools...


Originally posted by czygvtwkr
I mentioned that I saw a house for sale in the 7th district that I may be interested in and my coworkers laughed, whats up with that?

Dee By Gawd Cap'n I hope you get that place.:biggrin:


Go Braves!
Originally posted by Ehesef
I'd live in 7D anyday...It's so peaceful, plenty of room and like Kain said, great neighbors and good schools...
:yeahthat: -10pts

If my husband had a job down here when we bought we would have moved there.


Listen dude.... The 7th is Mayberry and heaven. If ya want crackheads next door listen to the jerk off's at work. :frown:


Would THIS face lie?
I live there right now and it isn't soo bad....In fact I have lived here all of my life.....We don't have a BJ's, Lowes, Movie Theatres, or anything like that.....It is a little laid back....It is peaceful though....There are some pretty nice places over here...I live in the Clements area and I am only 10 minutes from Leonardtown....Not that far from LaPlata or Waldorf....I am sitting here now with the window open and all I hear is the birds chirpping and the cool breeze blowing in.....What area are you looking at.....I can tell you all about the neighbors etc. etc. etc....I can even give you a grand tour if you want it....AND you'll come back alive too.....(You might talk a little funny when you leave):dance: