Buy those electric cars now....


Well-Known Member
I heard an interesting scenario the other day. As we know, the older power stations are being destructed, downgraded or removed.

So, what! They're dirty and stuff....right? Well, lets look deeper.

Those filthy old, stinky plants output was tremendous. The new and improved ones, not so much. It may take 2-3 new and improved plants to produce the equal amount as the old. But thats not going to happen anytime soon. The grid, (the East coast grid) will not have the same capacity. Now, add electric car charging stations, eliminating banned natural gas appliances. Commercial consumers, like large office and commercial complexes will have to adapt to..... uummmm, uhhhhhhh...

Even now, some in surrounding States have seen monthly bill explode. Imagine $1,000 a month for your 3 br 1 bath rancher. In Waldorf. In an underserved community. With gramma's medical devices.