Bye, baseball!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I was starting to enjoy the playoffs, too! Good games, exciting plays, incredible athletes and then...a reminder, loud and clear, of why I started losing interest in baseball in the first place; an abject refusal to respect the game, or the fans, on the most basic level; fair play.

It was the Orioles against the Yankees in NY, an important game that was decided based on fan interference, playoffs I think, Davey Johnson era, because baseball then wasn't interested in the simplest of concepts; getting the game called right so that the best team wins as much as possible.

The NFL bends over backwards to try and get it right. So does hockey. Even stupid basketball doesn't insult the intelligence of the fans by shrugging when an important call is in question.

Not good 'ol baseball. No, we can have juiced baseballs, juiced players, all sorts of technological (and modern) 'intrusions' upon the integrity of the game and work to correct them. After ignoring them well past the point of charade. Not the game itself though.

Great pictures, TV, countless cameras, nifty ball and strike simulations, all sorts of stuff but, a home run? Why, clearly, we can't do ANYTHING about that without ruining the blessed game!

I'm not gonna sit there and start to care again, to get interested again and have the most basic and simplest thing there is to get right stuck in my face with an absolute and total disregard for the very sincerity, the competition, the grace and power and skill of the game, does not matter to those whose job it is to present it to me, the lowly fan.

Thanks for reminding me why I stopped caring about your stupid game! I've got plenty of other interests where my attention and enjoyment won't be insulted and will be rewarded. Like doing the laundry for instance. Balance the checkbook. Anything, really, other than the farce you people insist in selling. Thanks for stopping me before I waste another minute getting back into the game.



Not good 'ol baseball. No, we can have juiced baseballs, juiced players, all sorts of technological (and modern) 'intrusions' upon the integrity of the game and work to correct them. After ignoring them well past the point of charade. Not the game itself though.

These are the reasons I still love it.....


They call me ... Sarcasmo
I LOVE Calvin and Hobbes! I just never saw that particular strip. :lmao:

Okay, you are no longer a cultural infidel.:yay: Our C&H collections made the rounds of our company when we were in Saudi and Kuwait back in the day.


Okay, you are no longer a cultural infidel.:yay: Our C&H collections made the rounds of our company when we were in Saudi and Kuwait back in the day.

have you seen the new depressing one with Calvin in College and is finding girls and stuff and keeps leaving Hobbes in the corner all sad?