Bye, bye Lavar


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Lavar Arrington is now a free agent and will no longer be in the burgundy and gold. He would not restructure his contract to give some cap relief so he essentially paid the team beaucoup money to get out of his contract.

I'm still trying to decide how I feel about this. On one hand, any half decent LB has to ability to do good on a Greg Williams defense, but when Lavar was on he could light it up. I think I'd like to go with consistency and hope that we can get a good 2nd-3rd yr LB w/ lots of potential instead of a soon to be former stud on the verge of a slide into mediocrity, or a Michael Barrow.
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Well-Known Member
I don't think the team will suffer at all without Lavar. Did he ever play a full season? But admit it, won't you miss him in those wonderful Eastern Motors commercials?


New Member
Thanks Skins we'll take him. Leadership is worth soooooooo much in the NFL today. That is what Lavar brings to a team. I think you will see him with a star on the side of his helmet next season. That will be soooooooo great.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
As you don't have a bunch of posts...

big_poppa said:
Thanks Skins we'll take him. Leadership is worth soooooooo much in the NFL today. That is what Lavar brings to a team. I think you will see him with a star on the side of his helmet next season. That will be soooooooo great.

...I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.


Too bad. How do you put a price on leadership? You can't.
Although LaVarr wasn't fitting, injured and benched he was still electrifying when he walked on. He got people up and ready to play.
BUT the NFL isn't about that, as another player said "the only time it's a game is on Sunday". It's about money, as we all know.
I don't think LaVarr has a long career left anyway. He probably has delusions of playing for a long time, but it ain't going to happen. Linebackers don't last long because they usualy are the best overall athletes on the team and have more injuries than other position players.
So, the best thing for the Redskins is to let him go and get somebody else who will play within their defensive scheme.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
LaVarr on the radio... said, in regards to where he wants to go; (paraphrasing)

"I want to be in the NFC East and have a chance to come back here and show who I am. I would have a very, very, very hard time putting on a Cowboys uniform. Very hard."

Paging Jason Campbell, paging Jason Cambell; You WILL get at least one start next year.


New Member
Larry I was not being sarcastic I truly like Lavar. With the exception of the play that ended Aikmans career of course. I just feel the Boyz could benefit from his leadership! As to the comment about him having a hard time putting on a boyz uniform, I believe he will indeed do that. The Eagles and Giants are both pretty set at the linebacker position, and deep too. The Boyz on the other hand are struggling. He wants to stay in the NFC East and will not go somewhere where he won't be able to play. Sooooooo, just my two cents.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

big_poppa said:
Larry I was not being sarcastic I truly like Lavar. With the exception of the play that ended Aikmans career of course. I just feel the Boyz could benefit from his leadership! As to the comment about him having a hard time putting on a boyz uniform, I believe he will indeed do that. The Eagles and Giants are both pretty set at the linebacker position, and deep too. The Boyz on the other hand are struggling. He wants to stay in the NFC East and will not go somewhere where he won't be able to play. Sooooooo, just my two cents.

That makes more sense; you're a Cowboy fan and you think, because the grass is always greener, he's a leader.

Well, first off, he is NOT a leader or he'd still be here. Guys like Mike Singletary, Jack Lambert, Ray Lewis, they're leaders and they made their defensive teammates better, made the whole team better, through leadership.

LaVarr was THE big hotshot STAR around here for 4 years. The awesome talent pro bowler in an otherwise bleak existence. He was great to the fans, a good interview for the media and talked the talk; "Redskins! Redskins! Yeah!"

I don't question his sincerity in any of those areas and they mean nothing to me anyway. On the field, that's what I count.

He made truly great plays. He made plays like the greenest of rookies. He could end a QB's career with a vicious, clean hit and he'd lose games by being out of position in the fourth quarter and be suckered. I can count how many quarterbacks he's sent to the announcers booth; one.

I can't count how many plays he's blown with his 'instincts'. Two plays against Tampa Bay this past year sum him up to me; Game one, Alstott's 'touchdown'. On the play, LaVarr exploded right at the hole Alstott was heading to, off right tackle, a standard, bread and butter goal line play. So far, so good.

LaVarr leaps into the air, trying to make the big play. Alstott sees him coming and simply puts his head down, which is what a running back is gonna do anyway om the goal line, plough your way in, and burrows his way to the end zone.

Our man 56 goes flying over Alstott, like Superman. Singletary, Taylor, Lambert, Lewis, any of those guys would do what you were taught in pee wee; low man wins. They'd have gotten under Mike's pads and driven through him. As big as Alstott is, they might not have got him down but they would have done what the play called for; stopped him, even if just for an instant, so your teammates can finish him off.

It would have been a spectacular collision and Alstott would have been stopped well short. GAME. The play would have become a Redskin highlight for all time. Instead, Alstott ducks LaVarr, gets a yard closer before contact and, viola. They rule it six. Game. Tampa highlight.

Game 2; LaVarr drops back into coverage and picks off Chris Simms, rumbles down to the two yard line, Clinton Portis, in a spectacular collision, hurts himself and scores. He did not fumble. He got in.

LaVarrs instincts are for the flash over bread and butter football. On the pic, all he thought about was scoring and he actually fumbled when he got tackled. We got away with a down by contact call, no review, but he did lose it.

On both plays, his raw talent got him where he needed to be. On one, he leaped in the air like an idiot, taking himself out of position and out of the play. On the second one, all he should have thought about was holding on to the ball.

In any event, the guy can play but he's more likely to make a critical bad play than a critical good one and he's no leader, except in front of the cameras.

He's a STAR.


I see you...
I think he has a good chance of ending up on any of the NFC east teams. The giants are by no means deep at lionebacker, and last year proved it by having to go to there practice squad when injuries got to bad. The Eagles have a good defense, but age is now a factor, and they also really are not that deep. Thje cowboys are a threat after the drops they made for cap room, and then Nguyen retired. All teams in the NFC need him.

In another thought, aI think he will end up in Purple and Black, but not the ravens......the Vikings. They have the money to spend...


Nothing to see here
How good was the Skin's defense the last 2 yrs without him, for the most part? How much room was cleared up in the cap with his buyout/release? I waited for the last 4 yrs for his discipline on the field to improve, it hasn't. Good riddance.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Don't count out...

outlaw said:
I think he has a good chance of ending up on any of the NFC east teams. The giants are by no means deep at lionebacker, and last year proved it by having to go to there practice squad when injuries got to bad. The Eagles have a good defense, but age is now a factor, and they also really are not that deep. Thje cowboys are a threat after the drops they made for cap room, and then Nguyen retired. All teams in the NFC need him.

In another thought, aI think he will end up in Purple and Black, but not the ravens......the Vikings. They have the money to spend...

...the Ravens. He lives in Annapolis. Look at it from his standpoint; how delicious would it be to be in the middle of a pro bowl season and be in the papers around here every day?

The word is that he and Dale Lindsey, his position coach, had a shouting match in the locker room last season which was hushed up. Plus Gibbs never embraced him like he does 'his' guys. Add in the contract dispute and the souring of his love affair with the Danny.

Lastly, it's been written that he looks up to Ray Lewis.

This could all be very personal for Arrington.


New Member
I know what you are saying Larry about the instinctive decisions, but that does not affect his leadership in the locker room. The Boyz have a very young team now. Witht he exception of Roy Williams, and some offensive lineman, who on the roster even played on the team more than 5 years ago? The fact is we need help at the linebacker spot. Now I am a true Boyz fan but am a football fan first. And no matter where a player comes from, if he is going to help my team I would love to have him. The ONLY exception being T.O. I want no part of him. In fact I would love it if he were to switch sports and play raquetteball or something. Anyway, ummmmm yeah. I'll leave it at that.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
If you say so...

big_poppa said:
I know what you are saying Larry about the instinctive decisions, but that does not affect his leadership in the locker room. The Boyz have a very young team now. Witht he exception of Roy Williams, and some offensive lineman, who on the roster even played on the team more than 5 years ago? The fact is we need help at the linebacker spot. Now I am a true Boyz fan but am a football fan first. And no matter where a player comes from, if he is going to help my team I would love to have him. The ONLY exception being T.O. I want no part of him. In fact I would love it if he were to switch sports and play raquetteball or something. Anyway, ummmmm yeah. I'll leave it at that.

You're more than welcome to LaVarr. If you guys are in need of a media darling who does not make his teammates better, I'm looking forward to seeing y'all twice next year. Things are worse in Big D than I dare hoped.

I actually would LOVE to have TO. He's a total jerk and can be disruptive to insecure people BUT that guy, on the field, which is where I keep score, man. Give me some more of that.

The Eagles showed me an astounding lack of self confidence and insecurity with the TO thing. He does his TO act and they go into this shocked and awed mode which tells me they actually thought THEY could change him. Beaten spouse syndrome.

What could be easier than dealing with someone who you know how they are going to behave? Damn, you can prepare for that. They didn't.