Cable News Networks


New Member
I've asked Comcast if they could bring it to our digital cable lineup in Charles County. They said in May that they would add it in July. All they've added area bunch of spanish language channels. In fact, we get more spanish language channels than english language channels. Let me explain why I want BBC World. I want to know what's going on in the Mideast Crisis and nobody is covering it sufficiently (except FOX and Blitzer on CNN).

Everytime I turn on a cable news network (again with exception to FOX News daytime and CNN primetime), they're talking about Mel Gibson. I just don't give a rat's ass about Mel Gibson.

I'm going to start with FOX News Channel. They are way too partisan. Bill O'Reilly is a twit. They're primetime covers too much celebirty crap. They overhype the situation too much. They "stage" too many reports. Too many commercials. They're graphics are very irritating.

Now let's move on to CNN. Now, I have to exclude Wolf Blitzer's "The Situation Room" and Lou Dobbs. They cover too much tabloid crap. Paula Zahn is a hasbeen, or a neverwas in her case. Andersoon Cooper is just downright arrogant. As for HeadlineNews, they don't cover news in primetime anymore just Nancy Grace. And Nancy Grace is a one-sided little punk.

Now my favorite, MSNBC :tantrum : NBC forced Rick Kaplan out of control there and placed Dan Abrams there. I like Dan Abrams because he is a newsman but he stands for everything NBC does not. NBC has turned MSNBC into a Dateline repeat channel. They only have 6 minutes of Mideast coverage an hour in daytime (unless there is breaking news, then it's time for Mel). Everytime I tune in and it's not the exact top or bottom of the hour, they're talking about entertainment news, primairly debates over Mel Gibson and Christine Brinkley. Who the hell is Christine Brinkley :burning: ???

Their primetime used to be really good, espically Keith and Joe. Now the producers force Olbermann and Scarborough and lately Chris Matthews to cover entertainment garabage first and foremost. Because Mel Gibson is far more important than a full-blown middle east regional war:sarcasm:. Noe they do thiss thing where they air Tucker Carlson and Chris Matthews at 4pm and 5pm respectively. So they rebroadcast those shows at 6pm and 7pm. They also have MSNBC'S "Doc-Block" at 10pm and 11pm. This is where they take an old Dateline VHS tape, blow the dust off of it and put it on and rebrand it MSNBC Reports. They generally air something called Lockup, where they go inside prisons across America for a few days and tape what they see...... :tantrum :tantrum :burning: :mad: :tantrum :boo: :boo:. OK so I like To Catch a Predator and a few of their other shows. But can't they at least air prevalent news topics. They have a ton of episodes of MSNBC Investigates on the mideast crisis from 2002. ####, I'll send them the tapes if they just effing air it.

All I want is to know what's going on there. I don't mid someoutdated reports and I surely don't mind taped reports if it has to be that way. I mean, I don't need to see every explosion live. I just want to know what's going on when I get home and turn on the TV, not a SPECIAL REPORT on MEL GIBSON. OK I'll take the taped rebroadcast of MSNBC Mideast Coverage or the taped repeat of FOX Report or the taped rebroascast of The Situation Room. I just don't want news from 14 hours ago being run across my screen as "BREAKING NEWS" or "News Alert" (like CNN and FOX do). I just want real news; I don't want to know about Mel Gibson and if I do I'll turn on Access or E!. I don't want the anchors opinion. Just tell me what's going on, like BBC does. BBC News is the only avalible non-bias outlet and we don't get 24/7 access to it in America so I guess we're just screwed.


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Marginal hijack ---

I can't understand why people are getting their panties in a twist over something Mel said while roaring drunk - but are not terribly outraged over what gets said regarding Lebanon or what Mahmoud Ahmaninejad says just about every single day.

I guess I see a weird disconnect between Mel having to apologize to Hollywood (presumably because it is run by Jews, which is in itself a bit of an insult) but no outrage over Hezbollah and its principal benefactor, Iran, who only yesterday said the solution to the problem is the extermination of Jews (and who always has denied the Holocaust).

Drunken outburst? Apology. Actually KILLING Jews? Nothing. I don't get it.


NOT Politically Correct!!
Don't they know Mel is a Brave Hearted Lethal Weapon and quite the Patriot who is Passionate about Christ because he's always looking for a little Payback...???
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
AndyMarquisLIVE said:
Let me explain why I want BBC World.
Because you're a Leftist with a skewed world view and no memory of historical events?

Regarding Fox, I think what you mean to say is that you're so used to watching Left-biased news that you do not recognize balance anymore. Therefore you think Fox is some right-wing network, when it's not - it just doesn't lean WAY left like the other ones do.


NOT Politically Correct!!
vraiblonde said:
Because you're a Leftist with a skewed world view and no memory of historical events?

Regarding Fox, I think what you mean to say is that you're so used to watching Left-biased news that you do not recognize balance anymore. Therefore you think Fox is some right-wing network, when it's not - it just doesn't lean WAY left like the other ones do.

...........................Will you marry me!!! :lmao:


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Because you're a Leftist with a skewed world view and no memory of historical events?

Regarding Fox, I think what you mean to say is that you're so used to watching Left-biased news that you do not recognize balance anymore. Therefore you think Fox is some right-wing network, when it's not - it just doesn't lean WAY left like the other ones do.


I hope you never, ever change, Vrai!


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Because you're a Leftist with a skewed world view and no memory of historical events?

Regarding Fox, I think what you mean to say is that you're so used to watching Left-biased news that you do not recognize balance anymore. Therefore you think Fox is some right-wing network, when it's not - it just doesn't lean WAY left like the other ones do.

I'm actually alot more conservative on morale issues ... I just don't agree with the Bush Administration.

As for FOX, I think they are too biased towards the right and in fact, PEW Research conducted a study of news viewers and found several very interesting things. Regarding the issue of partisan viewership, back in 2004, a PEW Media Research study found while MSNBC is the least trusted of the cable networks, their viewers were far less partisan and more to the center than any other cable network. It found CNN viewers to be more leftist and FOX News viewers to be alot more to the right.

I don't deny for a minute that a few of the networks are leftist: CBS and CNN-US primairly. I would say in a minute CNN is too liberal. FOX is too conservative. I'm a social-consservative saying that. That's just the way it is.


NOT Politically Correct!!
Well I'm capable of watching any news organization and drawing my own conclusions on issues. If I think BS, I cross check the info with other sources...


New Member
chernmax said:
Well I'm capable of watching any news organization and drawing my own conclusions on issues. If I think BS, I cross check the info with other sources...

The pope is dead the pope is dead! Oh wait he's not?

Generally when one station gets or reports false information, they all do. Remember the Sago tragedy? Or when Zawahiri was 'captured?'

My biggest example of partisanship is Bill O'Reilly. Rembmer his comments about how he wished Hurricane Katrina had hit the United Nations in New York, drowned them, and he wouldn't save them? Or how we should helep al-Qaeda blow up San Fransisco? Or FOX Security? And what was that producer's name, Andrea Mackris?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
AndyMarquisLIVE said:
My biggest example of partisanship is Bill O'Reilly. Rembmer his comments about how he wished Hurricane Katrina had hit the United Nations in New York, drowned them, and he wouldn't save them? Or how we should helep al-Qaeda blow up San Fransisco? Or FOX Security? And what was that producer's name, Andrea Mackris?
Bill O'Reilly is ONE SHOW, not the whole network.

You are, of course, aware that Fox also employs many avowed liberal Democrats as commentators, right? Shall I run down the list for you? We could start with Susan Estrich and work from there.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Bill O'Reilly is ONE SHOW, not the whole network.

You are, of course, aware that Fox also employs many avowed liberal Democrats as commentators, right? Shall I run down the list for you? We could start with Susan Estrich and work from there.

I need to correct myself on something. In 2006, a PEW Research study found CNN is be more accurate, but not by much, over ABC News and The Washington Times. It showed CNN viewers as being less partisan and MSNBC viewers more to the left.

As for the issue of lliberal commentators, you also realize that every network does.

And why is it whenever someone says FOX News is too conservative, the conservatives come out screaming about MSNBC and CNN and just about every other source in the world (except Jabba the Hut's media empire, NewsCorp) is on the 'left.'

Left? Is that a term FOX News created. :razz:

I do like Hannity and Colmes, but when it comes to alot of FOX's other commentators: Geraldo 'I can't get a show in primetime' Rivera, John Gibson, Billo, Gregg Jarrett (who I also like). Remember Tony Snow (I did not like him as an anchor but I do like him as a press secretary).

As for MSNBC, they have alot of conservative anchors as well (and it's generally those Conservatives that tend not to cover topical events): Chris Matthews (openly admimts he voted for Bush), Joe Scarborough (As conservative as they come but even he was critical of the Katrina response - his show is about celebirty gossip nowadays), Tucker Carlson (who views Bush as a liberal and is against the Iraq war), Rita Cosby, Brian Williams (who conservatives also deride as liberal), there's a few more that I can't think of off the top of my head. Olbermann and Don Imus are the only one's who are really liberal and they're the only ones who actually do cover topical events in primetime (Tucker Carlson does as-well, every few days).

I'm also gonna confess that when I watch the news, I don't want a big banner at the bottom in 8 different colors flashing a FOX NEWS ALERT or CNN JUST IN dominating half the screen. MSNBC does not do this with their graphics. MSNBC's are very simple and yet I can still see the picture - amazing philosiphy! :sarcasm:

And do you by chance remembber Greta Van Sustren and Rita Cosby's ccoverage of the Indian Head arsons, which even days after police confirmed that race was the motive, Cosby and Van Sustren continued to refer to it as an event of ecoterrorism?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
AndyMarquisLIVE said:
Chris Matthews (openly admimts he voted for Bush),

I about fell off my chair laughing when I read that!!! Chris Matthews is an obvious Democrat and all you have to do is watch Hardball to see it. He is very clear when he does things like suck up to some Bush basher in one show, then rip the hell out of the SBV dude in the next.

I actually sat through a whole show where he was trying to make the case for bringing impeachment charges against Bush for "invading" Iraq. Yet I remember quite well when Bill Clinton lobbed a missile at Baghdad during the Lewinsky scandal, Matthews couldn't have BEEN more supportive of him.

Remember "We shouldn't criticize our President when our troops are in harm's way"? The first time I ever heard it was out of Chris Matthews' mouth, then the whole Democrat leadership took up the mantra. That's some conservative Chris Matthews, there. :lol:

One of the things people complain about with O'Reilly is that he ridicules the guests that he doesn't agree with. How is it that they don't notice Chris Matthews doing the exact same thing???


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Pete said:
Why do you suppose FOXnews ranks as #1 in the ratings?
Because the majority of the people in this country are right-wing wackos who don't know what's good for them and should be locked up. I know that because I read it in the DU. :biggrin:


vraiblonde said:
Because the majority of the people in this country are right-wing wackos who don't know what's good for them and should be locked up. I know that because I read it in the DU. :biggrin:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Andy, I just want you to be aware that, while I do get the majority of my news from Fox, I also watch CNN, MSNBC and occasionally one of the regular networks. Unlike some other folks who watch ONLY the libbie news and refuse to so much as glance at Fox because they're scared they might see some "bias".

That, to me, is a highly unsophisticated method of learning what's going on in the world.


New Member

vraiblonde said:
Andy, I just want you to be aware that, while I do get the majority of my news from Fox, I also watch CNN, MSNBC and occasionally one of the regular networks. Unlike some other folks who watch ONLY the libbie news and refuse to so much as glance at Fox because they're scared they might see some "bias".

That, to me, is a highly unsophisticated method of learning what's going on in the world.

Same here, though with FOX. I watch FOX News Channel during the weekends right after NASCAR since MSNBC hasn't had sufficient live weekend coverage since 2003. I also flip between Lou Dobbs and Brit Hume at 6 and I like Shep alot (although he's a little partisan but it's not as blatant as O'Reilly and a few others on FOX).

I just want more coverage of the international conflicts. I also find it interesting to note how our media never covers the typhoons in China and all while CNN International does. I get CNN International nights and weekends on but they have too many business show.