California Environmental Regulations Target Food Waste


PREMO Member
According to a report from The Associated Press, California residents will be required to throw out their food waste in separate green bins, rather than in their regular garbage cans. Instead of going to landfills, the food waste will be turned into compost or used to create an alternative fuel source similar to natural gas, called biogas.

The regulation is intended to keep food waste out of landfills. The AP reports that the decay of organic materials like food scraps, like rotten vegetables, meat scraps, and banana and orange peels emits methane gas, which is “more potent and damaging in the short-term than carbon emissions from fossil fuels.” California is the second state to implement the initiative, after Vermont began a similar program last year.

Beginning in January 2022, all county and municipal trash collectors are required to have food recycling programs in place, and grocery stores must donate unsold edible foodstuffs to food banks or similar organizations, instead of throwing it out. Local governments that do not have plans in place can avoid penalties by submitting their plans to the state by March. Local governments that do not comply could face fines of up to $10,000 per day.


The state is also aiming to send 20% of the unused, edible food that would otherwise end up in landfills to feeding the hungry in the community. Hotels, schools, restaurants, hospitals, and large entertainment venues like concert halls and sports stadiums must begin donating their leftover food by 2024, on top of the requirement for supermarkets.

The law’s provisions will contribute to a federally-established target of cutting food waste in half by 2030.

Um Why Not ?
