How come they never hire lipstick lesbians? It's only ever softball playing lesbians.
As more and more women move into the workforce, education, politics, and so on, and as they make more and more money; as more and more men are displaced, passed over, and eliminated in favor of DEI women, I think you'll see more and more lesbionic relationships going forward into whatever future is left.
Women in general don't even like men. The real, deep-down reason they even tolerate us is because historically, we have been, and even today, are still expected to be the main bread-winners and protectors. Most women don't get into relationships with other women, not because they're categorically against it; it's because other women can't provide and especially can't protect them.
And technically, they don't even need us to create babies; all they need is our seed. But, as long as courts are looking to place the onus on men for supporting the child, they'll still come looking for a liable party to nail to the wall, regardless of whatever documents a man might have signed at the donation place. Moral of that story: do not leave your seed laying around. Don't donate, don't leave your raincoats where a woman who insisted that you wear one can get it and collect a sample.
Much of women's anger and frustration at us, besides the fact that they don't live in the same reality we do, is because they all want to date (that's today's euphemism for "getting their backs blown out") the top 1-5% of men, but those men won't settle for them. The rest of us are invisible to the vast majority of women - right up until they hit that point in their lives where they get tired of working and want someone to provide for them.